Author Topic: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5  (Read 63828 times)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #60 on: March 21, 2010, 19:33:05 pm »
I don't post often as J remains very fussy and it gets very repetative - but he seems happy enough with it - and the range is almost 'good enough' to hit the main nutrients iyswim. Apart from the veggies of course  ::).

Today wasn't so bad though

B Corn flakes, wholemeal toast (got bored and got down when I knew he was still hungry  ::)), so had hot cross bun 1 hour later
S Toddler biscuit
L Too busy running around garden to care for lunch but had 1/2 a banana, then ate cream cheese sandwiches after his nap
S Few yoghurt coated fruit flakes
D Potato, chicken nuggets, cheese, apple, few bites kiwi, yoghurt

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #61 on: March 22, 2010, 10:27:57 am »
Had a terrible day today with 2 sick kids - cue lots of screaming

B: boiled egg, toast, 1/2 banana
MT: sultanas, corn crispbread
L: requested a fruit puree pot ("want fruit pack"), chicken (spat out), rest of banana
AT: watermelon
D: chicken noodle soup with toast fingers to dip.

He had a screaming fit before dinner so after dealing with it all day I put him in the hallway with his blankie while I served up dinner. In between sobs I heard a little voice asking "Dinner ready?" Felt so mean after that. He had 2 bowls so he was obviously hungry!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #62 on: March 22, 2010, 19:41:16 pm »
Mashi - had never thought about the hot chocolate causing any problems at night  :-[ but as it's never seemed to cause a problem I guess it must be okay. I started doing it so that I could make sure that A was getting some milk at the end of the day. Once she goes up for her bath she doesn't get any more to drink (ie bedtime milk) - other than a sippy of water in her cot, which has been a fairly recent thing anyway. I don't do anything special - just warm half a mug of milk in the microwave for a minute, add one teaspoon of cadbury's hot choc powder and that's it. The carton suggests 3 or 4 spoons to a mug of milk, but I only do it to make the milk more interesting as I seemed to be throwing a lot of it away when I just gave her warm milk. We have a little ritual now (you know how toddlers get with their OCD  ;)) - after A gets down from the table after dinner we go into the living room where she gets to watch a bit of TV (Postman Pat is in favour at the moment) and she has hot choc and a biscuit whilst the grown-ups get a coffee and a biscuit - once that's done it's up for bath and bed.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #63 on: March 22, 2010, 22:59:08 pm »
Chandler spent the weekend with her grandparents, so ate nothing all weekend but crackers, cereal bars, and french fries (they don't believe in cooking or nutrition, apparently). Tonight at dinner, she actually tore into her food, then looked up and said, "More vegetables!"  ;D

meatloaf, baked sweet potato, mixed vegetables (green beans, carrots, peas, corn), mandarin oranges, milk

After her bath, she'll get an oatmeal cookie and some milk
Mom to Chandler McCrea born April 2, 2008

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #64 on: March 23, 2010, 00:45:31 am »
Tonight at dinner, she actually tore into her food, then looked up and said, "More vegetables!"  ;D

That is priceless!!

Spencer is either growing again or has a hollow leg...she ate as much as I did for supper on Saturday and sunday (sat was a spicy cajun rice dish with sausage, sun was spaghetti)

B - cheerios & soy milk
S - pretzels
L- 2 applesauce cups, pears, slice of bread, ham, soy milk
S - soy milk, rice rusks
S - homemade "fries", pork chops, peas, a choc cupcake and red jello...she finished her cupcake before DH and then tried to sucker him into giving his over!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #65 on: March 23, 2010, 06:41:03 am »
then looked up and said, "More vegetables!"  ;D

Brilliant  ;D If only this happened on a daily basis, eh? We probably wouldn't have this thread  ;)

B: 2 pear & banana pancakes with fromage frais & honey, OJ
S: Easter 'party' at toddler group: refused the banana (they always offer fruit option first), chocolate 'nest' bun they made themselves (shredded wheat with chocolate, topped with a couple of mini eggs), piece of hot cross bun, juice
L: beans on toast, half a gingerbread man, water
S: dried berries, water
D: leftover roast dinner pie with gravy, peas & sweetcorn (and grated cheese  :P), bit of home-made apple & plum crumble with custard, hot choc & rest of gingerbread man

Alice ate quite a lot - tho a bit more 'sugary foods' than I would usually let her have  :-[ Maybe I'm a bit paranoid tho.

She was doing really well with her dinner - and then silly Mummy decided to grate some cheese for a quiche - which stopped Alice dead in her tracks. She said she had finished her dinner - but of course she'd spotted her beloved cheese . . . my compromise was to sprinkle some of the grated cheese over the remains of her dinner - she did eat more of it tho!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #66 on: March 23, 2010, 08:09:49 am »
So yesterday, DS ate a bread roll.  That's it.  :(

He's been sick for a week and just doesn't care to eat now that he's better. I know I need to change it up a bit and add some more interesting things to his diet but he's too picky - so he's bored of what he usually eats but not adventurous enough to eat anything different.  Ugh. 

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #67 on: March 23, 2010, 08:17:00 am »
but he's too picky - so he's bored of what he usually eats but not adventurous enough to eat anything different. 

This is what Jacob does as well all the time - drives me mad.

Not sure what he had during the day as he was at my Mums - which usually means lots of fruit and breadsticks.

Then we baked cakes in the afternoon, and I amanged to stop him eating too much by telling him he could have more for tea. Teatime came around and he screamed at his potato and cheese, screamed at his yoghurt (although did eat it once he was allowed to choose a different one).

Realised afterwards I had TOLD him he could eat his cake for tea. So that was what he had been expecting - just his little oatmeal cake.

Sigh. Too clever these toddlers.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #68 on: March 23, 2010, 08:29:22 am »
Aw, poor guy! That he remembered that for that many hours is pretty impressive!  Wanna share that oatmeal cake recipe? ;)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #69 on: March 23, 2010, 18:09:08 pm »
Ben seemed suddenly ravenous today (although was still off the fruit *sigh*)

B - banana, readybrek
S - Humzinger bar, 2 toddler biscuits
L - Tomato and Basil soup and a slice of bread with hummus, Ella's Kitchen Smoothie Fruit (banana, apple, blueberry)
S - 1/2 hot cross bun
D - Chicken and Bacon casserole (chicken, bacon, potato, parsnip, carrot, mushroom, courgette, tomato), Jelly and custard

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #70 on: March 23, 2010, 19:09:08 pm »
It never ceases to amaze me what these little folk remember - Alice still 'talks' about the time we went to feed the ducks and a piece of bread landed on the beak of one of them - it was about a month ago and she still brings it up every now and then!

B: porridge with dried berries, few spoonfuls of my cereal medley cos she has to 'share mummy's' anything these days, OJ

At CM:
S: raisins, banana, water
L: cheese & ham toasties, sponge & custard, milk
S: cereal bar & milk
S: cheesy quavers, water

At home:
D: home-made quiche with tuna, sweetcorn & cheese, half a jacket potato, bit of home-made apple & plum crumble with custard - ie she scraped off the custard and topping and then said 'no more that'  ::)

Her new love is 'pie' (2nd only to cheese I think!) - quiche comes under the pie heading in Alice's book. When I picked her up from CM she asked for snack - I said no snack as we were going home for tea - to which she replied, 'pie'? She was over the moon when I put her plate in front of her  ;D

The good mood didn't last though - she is a bit 'naughty' at the moment which I'm 'blaming' on disturbed sleep and naps which in turn I'm blaming on PT  :P (a whole other post I really need to do). Think she is getting OT and this in turn affects her behaviour . . . when she'd had enough of desert tonight she tried to push the bowl off the table and then threw her mat on the floor - twice. We ended up with no hot choc & biscuits - went straight to bath time from the table and got her into bed a bit early in the hope that she might wake up less like a bear with a sore head.

Still . . . at least it's not affecting her appetite!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #71 on: March 24, 2010, 20:50:27 pm »
Today A has eaten:

B: 1 home-made banana & pear pancaked with creme-fraiche & honey (2 on the plate, but she gave the other one to Daddy), OJ
S: pear
L: poached egg on toast, fromage frais
S: none - had to wake her from mammoth nap & had dinner early before DH went on nightshift
D: home-made tuna & sweetcorn quiche (or cheese pie as Alice calls it!) with half a jacket potato - same as yesterday's dinner I know  :P but it was the last of the quiche and the spud was way too big to give her in one go! Peaches in juice with custard, hot choc and 3 mini organix cookies

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #72 on: March 24, 2010, 21:40:36 pm »
The third molar finally seems to be actually breaking through here - he ate pretty well today, but explains his aversion to fruit at the moment.  He seems to go off it whenever teeth are cutting.

B - banana, readybrek, 4 or 5 blueberries
S - toddler biscuit
L - scrambled egg, beans, 2 mini breadsticks, a miniscule piece of bread with hummus
S - 1/2 homemade banana muffin
D - fish fingers, peas, pasta (lots of tomato ketchup - ack), yoghurt

Hmm - lots of banana and sugar today one way and another...must do better!!!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #73 on: March 26, 2010, 21:00:01 pm »
DS is teething quite badly and wants to spend as little time in his highchair as possible as he has a sore bottom! Arr...He is being a bit picky too.

B - pieces of banana, toast and peanut butter, raisins,water
S - pieces of fruit bar, marmite ricecake, water
L - sausages, beans, oven chips ( left chips) 3/4 of yoghurt, water
S - marmite ricecake, water
T - toasted hot X bun and butter, organix cheese puffs, raisins, water
Supper - cheerios and warm milk ate half, water

Haven't been too adventurous as he is not feeling great - mostly gave things I knew he would eat.

Nell xxx
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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #74 on: March 26, 2010, 23:06:03 pm »
Took Chandler out for dinner by myself. She was great! She ate:

Spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, crowder peas, Italian spinach, and banana pudding
Mom to Chandler McCrea born April 2, 2008