Today - it was Easter so more treats than usual AND prob more than she's ever experienced in one day!!!
Mmm hmm - today we experienced Chocolate 'highs' and 'comedowns' for the first time...oh joy! He has eaten such bizarre food over the last couple of days so I'll start with yesterday...
B - readybrek, most of a banana, half a kiwi, couple of bites of toast
S - box of raisins
L - Olives (in garlic oil and stuffed with sun dried tomatoes - I'm thinking my 16mo son is weird for liking these???), salami, jam on bread, fruit smoothie.
S - 1/2 bag of organix corn snacks
D - sweet potato and lentil curry with rice, fruit puree pudding....
....then we went to my aunt's house for dinner. I knew that we wouldn't be eating until gone 7 so fed Ben before we went. Even though he had eaten a pretty good dinner he then went on to eat...
Little bits of the following - 2 different types of salami, green and black olives, sun dried tomatoes (I know, bad lunch choice eh?!), fresh spiced beetroot, rocket (that he spat out), grilled peppers, mozzarella, slow cooked pork, roast potato, jelly, ice cream, lemon meringue pie and sticky toffee pudding

Now although he didn't eat a lot of any of these (even though he would have liked to eat lots of some of them) he basically had at least another meals worth of food!!
Today has been no better

B - readybrek, 1/2 banana
S - few organix corn snacks, kiwi
L - poached lemon sole and a new potato, little bit of daddy's beef, couple of mushrooms, some spinach, THEN - bite of chocolate cheese cake, a piece of birthday cake given to him by a waitress as it was her birthday, and a Lindor chocolate from his great grandad that I managed to grab about half of before he shoved the whole lot in his mouth.
D - bread and marge and cubes of cheese, clementine - yoghurt coated raisins that he found in his changing bag and then we had a complete meltdown because I wouldn't let him eat the packet of chocolate buttons he found in there from his grandparents.
So waaaayyyy too much sugar and that = waaayyyy too many tantrums for my liking. I was hoping that tomorrow we would be back on track but now we're eating out again so I'm just going to have to be mean mummy and ask our friends not to give him sugary things at the table even when he asks.