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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #90 on: April 04, 2010, 05:25:40 am »
banu  -I think he is having a bit too much milk &  yoghurt during the day, I'd cut it out the mid-day milk if he is also having a lot of yoghurt based drinks/food. So maybe 2 milk drinks plus 1-2 full serves of yoghurt soup/drink. I'd also increase the amount of iron containing foods (eg more meat). So for example if he was going to have yoghurt soup for lunch, I wouldn't give him yoghurt for the morning snack as well, and then I would have given him an extra meatball.

So far today:

B: scrambled eggs, toast, MSPI "milk"
MT: watermelon
L: ham, french toast, MSPI "milk"
will be
AT: hot cross bun, pureed fruit pot
D: going to the beach so we might get fish, calamari, skordalia, tabbouleh and pita at the Greek take -away. Hope it's open because it's Greek Easter today as well. Otherwise it will be scrounging the fridge!

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #91 on: April 04, 2010, 20:44:25 pm »
AT: hot cross bun, pureed fruit pot
D: going to the beach so we might get fish, calamari, skordalia, tabbouleh and pita at the Greek take -away. Hope it's open because it's Greek Easter today as well. Otherwise it will be scrounging the fridge!

Am I allowed to be a little bit jealous? Not only are you going to the beach - but you have a Greek take-away too. When can I come and live with you???  :-* Am kind of hoping that the Greek take-away was closed and you had to fridge-raid instead and then maybe I wouldn't be such a dark shade of green!!  ;)

Today - it was Easter so more treats than usual AND prob more than she's ever experienced in one day!!!

B: porridge & a couple of spoonfuls of my 'cereal medley' (still big on sharing!), half a banana (sharing again!), diluted OJ
S: little bag of marshmallows (from inside one of her eggs), cadbury's mini egg (we were 'decorating' mini carrot cakes), half a box of apricots and raisins, water
L: half a slice of granary bread & butter, slice of ham, cheese cubes, pimento stuffed olives, yoghurt, diluted OJ
S: none - we went to my folks and dinner was early
D: 'roast dinner': yorkshire pudding bit of chicken, roast potatoes, boiled potatoes, carrots, broccoli, followed by hot cross bun pudding (hot cross bun with marmalade and vanilla custard - bit like bread and butter pudding), water
At home: hot choc with one of the mini carrot cakes - ate the mini egg off the top and the cream cheese icing but left the rest  ::)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #92 on: April 04, 2010, 21:09:45 pm »
Today - it was Easter so more treats than usual AND prob more than she's ever experienced in one day!!!

Mmm hmm - today we experienced Chocolate 'highs' and 'comedowns' for the first time...oh joy!  He has eaten such bizarre food over the last couple of days so I'll start with yesterday...

B - readybrek, most of a banana, half a kiwi, couple of bites of toast
S - box of raisins
L - Olives (in garlic oil and stuffed with sun dried tomatoes - I'm thinking my 16mo son is weird for liking these???), salami, jam on bread, fruit smoothie.
S - 1/2 bag of organix corn snacks
D - sweet potato and lentil curry with rice, fruit puree pudding....

....then we went to my aunt's house for dinner.  I knew that we wouldn't be eating until gone 7 so fed Ben before we went.  Even though he had eaten a pretty good dinner he then went on to eat...

Little bits of the following - 2 different types of salami, green and black olives, sun dried tomatoes (I know, bad lunch choice eh?!), fresh spiced beetroot, rocket (that he spat out), grilled peppers, mozzarella, slow cooked pork, roast potato, jelly, ice cream, lemon meringue pie and sticky toffee pudding  :o :o :o :o  Now although he didn't eat a lot of any of these (even though he would have liked to eat lots of some of them) he basically had at least another meals worth of food!!

Today has been no better
Maltesers  :-[ :-\
B - readybrek, 1/2 banana
S - few organix corn snacks, kiwi
L - poached lemon sole and a new potato, little bit of daddy's beef, couple of mushrooms, some spinach, THEN - bite of chocolate cheese cake, a piece of birthday cake given to him by a waitress as it was her birthday, and a Lindor chocolate from his great grandad that I managed to grab about half of before he shoved the whole lot in his mouth.

D - bread and marge and cubes of cheese, clementine - yoghurt coated raisins that he found in his changing bag and then we had a complete meltdown because I wouldn't let him eat the packet of chocolate buttons he found in there from his grandparents.

So waaaayyyy too much sugar and that = waaayyyy too many tantrums for my liking.  I was hoping that tomorrow we would be back on track but now we're eating out again so I'm just going to have to be mean mummy and ask our friends not to give him sugary things at the table even when he asks.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #93 on: April 05, 2010, 02:52:27 am »
B- milschrice (don't know how to spell it, but it's German milky/rice porridge kind of thing) - I was surprised dd didn' go crazy for it - but I didn't give her the sugar and melted butter that we have.  Toast with peanut butter.
L - chili without the chili powder, pear, banana, blueberry yogurt
S - ham, green beans, scalloped potatoes, cheese biscuit and a few bites of chocolate mousse.  Didn't want to offend MIL, but shouldn't babies not eat food with raw eggs?!  I mentioned this about the mousse to DH after, and he scoffed at my being ridiculous, not a prob in north america blah, blah, blah and got quite defensive.  "But I would've supported you" - yeah right!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #94 on: April 05, 2010, 10:38:58 am »
Berni - the Greek takeaway was open (no tabbouleh though ;) ) and we had a lovely meal watching the sun set. Ds2 decided to play chase the waves until he got too brave and fell flat on his face into the water  - so it was quickly home after that. I think you've been here before from what I remember you saying about Womad, so you're welcome back anytime!

We also had a junk food day even though DS2 has never had chocolate due to his milk intolerance and a mean mum who won't share her dark chocolate :)

B: Fruit smoothie, banana and hot cross bun
MT: apple and pear puree, apple slices, plain biscuits
L: bits and pieces from our lunch - sausage roll filling, corned beef, ham (rejected the cucumber, carrot and tomato!)
AT: sultanas, pineapple
D: calamari with lime mayo (again!  but home made this time). Rejected the home made potato and sweet potato chips and cucumber.

So  - yet another day with no veggies. Not for want of offering though!

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #95 on: April 05, 2010, 18:15:22 pm »
Lan - I am GREEEEEEEEEEN with envy. Greek take away on the beach watching the sun set sounds like heaven to me. I have indeed been to the land down under - came on a working visa many moons ago and stayed for about 9 months, worked and travelled round the 'Eastern Circle'. Then a couple of years later (whilst working in Bangkok - I got about a bit in my 20s  ;)) I spent a month going down the West Coast - I totally LOVE Australia and the laid back attitude and love of the outdoors. Funny to think of you on the beach - Bank Holiday Monday and we were wrapped up in layers walking the dogs in very windy weather - blew away the cobwebs tho  ;D

Today (finishing off the hot cross buns!)
B: toasted hot cross bun, half a tangerine, half a banana (insisted on sharing with me again!), milk
S: organix cereal bar
L: DD and I met a friend of mine to feed the ducks and go for coffee - unfortunately the Mill where we went for 'refreshments' doesn't really do anything other than meals and side dishes. It was too early for the grown-ups to lunch really but I knew I had to get something for DD cos by the time we got back it would be nap time . . . so I ordered her a side dish of mixed olives and sourdough bread which she loved, she also had a little bit of the HUGE home-made scone and jam that my friend and I got to share.
S: made a carpet picnic (to make up for not having a great lunch!) - couple of bits of bread, mixed cheeses, salami, oatcake, milk
D: pasta with cauliflower, garlic and anchovies, leftover hot cross bun pudding, hot choc and organix gingerbread man

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #96 on: April 06, 2010, 13:05:33 pm »
Sometiems I get sick of living in my city (coas of work mostly) but  Ido think we are so lucky to have sandy beaches jsut 20mins away! Bernie I am aways amazed at the variety of food Alice eats. No way in the world coufl I get either of my two to eat caulifower OR anchovies!

Had a trip to the zoo today to see the pandas, DS2 loved it!

B: boiled egg, toast, MSPI "milk"
MT: pineapple and rockmelon
L: Kept telling me he was hungry so he ate an egg sandwich, currant muffin, whole banana, pureed fruit pot, sultanas and a few chips :O
AT: picked at a hot cross bun (not hungry after that lunch!)
D: chicken wing, offered broccoli but won't eat it anymore :(  Rejected roast potato as well (why is they will gobble up bought chips but turn their noses up at the home made version?)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #97 on: April 06, 2010, 19:05:35 pm »
Maybe we all get sick of living wherever it is we live sometimes  :-\ I love the countryside around where I live but do wish we were nearer to the sea . . . but you can't have it all  :P

I am aways amazed at the variety of food Alice eats. No way in the world coufl I get either of my two to eat caulifower OR anchovies!

You're not the only one who is amazed LOL! My folks comment on it every time they sit down to eat with her - you think they'd be used to it by now!! I put it down to doing BLW with her - tho as I don't have anything to compare it to then it might just be that she takes after DH and I who both eat pretty much everything! The cauliflower and anchovy dish wash a new recipe (will post on other thread when I get chance!) and the anchovies and 'dissolved' into oil so the flavour is more mellow than you would imagine. Alice had another portion today - and we did laugh at her cos when she'd had enough of the pasta she kept on picking out the bits of cauliflower - to eat!! That's a bit weird for a LO isn't it LOL!!

B: half a crumpet with 'pear butter', milk - very small breakfast for A

At CM:
S: banana, raisins, water
L: McDs chicken nuggets and chips, chocolate doughnut, fruit shoot (not my choice of lunch - but it's not something she has on a regular basis - so I've lightened up a bit  :-[ :P)
S: chocolate egg, juice

At home:
D: pasta with cauliflower, garlic and anchovies topped with grated parmesan, yoghurt, biscuit & hot choc with marshmallows, bit of chocolate egg

Offline marilyn73

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #98 on: April 06, 2010, 21:42:36 pm »
Thanks for answering the humzinger question - haven't yet tried the North American equivalent - maybe still too challenging for a 1 year old?

B - full piece toast with almond butter, shreddies.
L - chunk of halibut leftover from last night, peas, pear, toast with peanut butter, yogurt
S - chicken/sweet potato stew with egg noodles, lots of green beans, 1/2 rusk, avocado puree.
milk or water in sippy cup with meals, + BF x2

Q: haven't yet broken into juice yet.  Is there any point if dd will take milk and water from a sippy cup, and is still BF? (and eats lots of fruits and veggies)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #99 on: April 07, 2010, 05:47:03 am »
I've often wondered about the food at the childminders, don't mean to be nosey but do they need to serve any particular type of food to be accredited to look after kids?

Offline squeakersmum

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #100 on: April 07, 2010, 11:40:46 am »
Lan - I'm not sure officially but was talking about this just today with some friends.  I saw a programme a month or so ago that say in the UK there are no official guidelines as to what they should serve LOs.  One Nursery was trying really hard to present the children with a healthy diet that they actually were not providing them with the balanced diet they need when they are so young!!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #101 on: April 07, 2010, 12:05:35 pm »
Some childcare centres can be accredited here to serve a "healthy" diet, not really my idea of healthy but home cooked food for the most part. DS2's current centre is accredited, but his previous one wasn't (ironically it was based at a hospital! it was vegetarian but he wasn't get enough fat or protein due to his milk intolerance - pureed vegies and rice are not enough for a LO!)

Not trying to be critical Bernie, just wondering.

We had an awful day today, it's school holidays so I'm spending my whole time running aroudn my older son, poor DS2 is getting neglected. I'm sure all he ate today were rice, biscuits and apples (speaking of balanced diet!)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #102 on: April 07, 2010, 12:51:45 pm »
I read this thread most days and can I just say, I am sooooo jealous that your lo's eat as they do. How do you do it? Harvey has just turned 1 and I'm having fun and games getting him to eat new things. I think that maybe It's my fault for not introducing finger foods earlier.
But he won't eat ANY fruit, he used to love satsumas but not anymore and he won't even try a banana. I have also tried him with fruit pots but no thankyou. He loves peas and green beans which I suppose is a bonus. And he loves lentils,sweet pot, carrots,onions and butternut squash pureed and then mixed with pasta or rice. He has this once or twice a week but I'm scared he'll go of it if I keep giving it to him. He has also gone of water and will only drink Robinsons squash, eek! I hate giving it to him but my DH started it and now he won't drink anything else. I'm still bf him so he gets a lot of fluids from that thankfully.
Has anyone got any recipies to help fatten him up? (he's 19.5 lb). I'm really aware that maybe I'm not giving him enough fats???
I think I need to lighten up on the food thing and try him with more stuff. I was all for giving him healthy organic foods but maybe It's me making him fussy and treating him like a little baby still?????
Keep all the ideas's coming girls. He has a bit of a tummy bug at the mo so is off his meals but once his appetite comes back I'll start posting xxx

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #103 on: April 07, 2010, 19:26:31 pm »
Today Callum ate:

B- 2 slices of toast with jam, bowl of cinnamon squares.
S- Banana, 2x babybel
L- Bit of what mammy and daddy had at Frankie and Bennys so Pasta with chicken and pepperoni, some fries and a little bite of hamburger
S- Half a cinnamon doughnut
D - Homemade cubes of turkey in breadcrumbs, mashed potato and baked beans, a little bit of left over easter egg
S - was begging for yogurts after bath time for some reason so ate 2 little pots of munch bunch.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #104 on: April 07, 2010, 20:56:32 pm »
Today -
B - Readybrek, Kiwi
S - a few dried blueberries, raisins and cheerios, apricot and peach puree in pouch (trying them out),
L - tomato soup with grated cheese and bread and marmite, couple of pieces of mango
S - few more dried blueberries, raisins and cheerios, couple of marshmallows from my hot choc in Costa,
D - chicken casserole with lots of different veg in

Hmm - rather a lot of fruit today