Author Topic: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5  (Read 63842 times)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #345 on: June 02, 2010, 22:47:08 pm »
Thanks, Yeah the teeth can be a killer. We went through a phase where he was biting and drew blood once and I thought it might be the beginning of the end for us but thankfully he stopped. Don't know how I will wean him now, he is a boobie addict.

Like the idea of homous on pasta very quick and easy. Do you make the homous yourself?

Offline teilvnav

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #346 on: June 02, 2010, 23:06:19 pm »
Nope, I buy it at the grocery store. It is just President's Choice, which is kind of a no-name brand here, but it is the best I have ever had.

I just boiled the pasta, thew in the veggies after I steamed them, and mixed in about a tablespoon of the hummus. It just absorbs into the pasta and adds flavour, which is great because Nathan doesn't like to get his hands all messy when he eats.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #347 on: June 02, 2010, 23:17:16 pm »
The hummus on pasta does sound good!

So exhausted. Got DS to sleep about 7:05 - insanely overtired as he refused PM nap. Working on DD now but she'll be more like 8... DH won't be home from work for a bit still and then we'll eat and I want to exercise and clean the kitchen and make DD's lunch for tomorrow, etc.

Today was:

B: wheatabix with milk, grapes
L: scrambled egg with cheese and spinach, one large cut up strawberry
S: goldfish crackers
D: above mentioned dish - he ate the chicken and a little of the pineapple and also had a few sweet potato "fries" and most of a yogurt

The dish came out quite good - definitely think will be making it for family Saturday (at DS's bday party)
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #348 on: June 03, 2010, 10:59:42 am »
Berni - going to make the cauliflower penne tonight - which grated cheese do you find tastes best? Also going to add olives... Maybe parmesan?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #349 on: June 03, 2010, 14:14:51 pm »
Yesterday Nick ate:

B: fried egg, blueberries, blackberries, oatmeal, milk, juice
S- a bunch of animal crackers at the library
L: lavash bread and hummus and turkey roll up, applesauce, milk
S- shortbread/chocolate cookie
D: penne with tomato and meatballs, zucchini, milk, juice, bread banana

?? what is fairy cake?
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #350 on: June 03, 2010, 18:00:58 pm »
Berni - going to make the cauliflower penne tonight - which grated cheese do you find tastes best? Also going to add olives... Maybe parmesan?

Not sure if this reply will be too late now . . . but I've used parmesan, cheddar and even crumbled in blue cheese - IMO all of them work (but then we're cheese-aholics in this house!) Have also added olives (another addiction here LOL!) and sun-dried tomatoes. Totally up to you . . . the dish is lovely by itself, but you can add whatever you want (and I've made it with fusili too - I tend to use whatever pasta is in the cupboard  ;))

?? what is fairy cake?

I can't see who posted fairy cake (think I'm a bit blinded by the sun  ;)) but to me it means a little 'sponge' cake possibly with icing on the top (or with buttercream and wings!) - a bit like a smaller version of a muffin I s'pose. Attaching a couple of pics to help you visualise them  ;) However, they may mean something completely different . . .

« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 18:28:00 pm by mumofalice »

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #351 on: June 03, 2010, 18:37:21 pm »
Wow! I want one now!!!  They look amazing. We would call the 2nd one a Butterfly cake round here...

B - half a bagel and PB, various dried fruits, cheerios and milk, water
S - half a large pear, 1 pink wafer, few Organix puffs, water
L - home made moussaka, dried blackcurrants, apple juice
S - various things during the pm as we had friends over for lunch...another pink wafer, organix puffs, 2 prunes,water
Tea - 1 banana, veg curry (chickpeas, carrots, butternut squash, garlic) and rice, water

No supper and early bed as no pm nap : )

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #352 on: June 03, 2010, 18:38:29 pm »
it was me with the fairy cake,tho mine were made by lo's so they didnt exactly look like that when they were done...but would have tasted the same!!! ;D

yesterday was:
B-toast with butter and an apple
S-a biscuit
L-smoked haddock pasta bake,yoghurt
S-a pear
D-pasta cream bean dream,fruit pot

B-Toast with marmite,an apple
S-a pear
L-macoroni cheese
S-mini milk ice-cream
D-sausage rissoto.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #353 on: June 03, 2010, 19:09:24 pm »
Can I jump on here??!! Having trouble getting my lo to eat anything other than a cooked meal at mealtimes. Ok, not a major issue but I can't be cooking ALL the time! I buy the ready made baby meals for him too which I'd really rather not be giving him but I'm just not able to prepare enough meals for him (sorry, lazy Mummy!) - put a sandwich in front of him and he looks at me like I'm crazy!! Any suggestions appreciated (working on a very tight budget too!!).

Today went like this:-
B - 1 weetabix with milk
S - carrot stick 'crisps'
L - Chicken, mashed potato, veg and gravy and yogurt
S - bread sticks
D - Same as lunch :( and pureed fruit (sandwich refused at both lunch and dinner!)
Catherine x

Offline teilvnav

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #354 on: June 03, 2010, 19:26:23 pm »
So, fairy cake = cupcake?

Catherine, as you read everyone's lists of what their LO ate, you will get tons of ideas for your own DS! And you will save money, too... those ready made meals can be expensive.

Offline Khalam's Mama

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #355 on: June 03, 2010, 19:48:33 pm »
Welcome Catherine. Does you LO like soup? That is cheap, hot and can be prep'ed in a big batch.

Today was baking hot but we did ok:
B: Porridge
L: 4cm bagette dipped in tomato soup, 1/2 slice of cheddar cheese, 2 strawberries, 4 cherries. Few sips decaf tea.
S: lots of cheerios
D: stewed beef out of a pie, mashed potato, peas, sweetcorn

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #356 on: June 03, 2010, 20:08:29 pm »
I've never tried him with soup, I think he would though as he does seem to prefer 'smooth' things! That's a good idea.

Yes, looking over a few posts and seems I will get some ideas. He's not a 'bad' eater as such, he'll eat anything that comes in a jar and has a 'baby food' label on it (!) but can sometimes be picky over other things  ::) He also seems to have a very sweet tooth, possibly gets that from me  :P

I've made batches of casseroles before that I know he loves, then the next time I try him with it he wont touch it. Doesnt seem to be consistent with things and I think I may have stuck with what I know he will eat and have kind of got stuck in a rut!
Catherine x

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #357 on: June 03, 2010, 20:33:46 pm »
Today -

B - strawberries, small amount of readybrek, licked the marmalade of a slice of toast
S - after 'bounce' session - 1/2 my bacon sarnie, some goldfish, corn snacks, fruit puree, humzinger, some banana (so I wasn't too worried about the lack of breakfast!!!!!)
S - in the car on the way home after nipping into Asda - handful of blueberries and grapes
S - after lateish nap - apple, strawberries, blueberries, grapes
S - because he whinged for food about 45 minutes before food and then scoured his bag for something to eat - more goldfish and corn snacks
D - (finally!!) Quorn chilli, rice, and cheese, yoghurt, 2 toddler biscuits

(then he finished the day off with just over 8oz of milk!!)

Cathierine - even now I tend to give Ben the same dinner a couple of times in a row and then again the following week.  He seems to eat a little tentatively the first time he has it if it's been a while, but then hoovers it up the next day.  Ben loves casserole too.  Other staples in our house are; ham, tomato and veg pasta; sweet potato curry with rice; and spag bol which are all great freezer meals.  He's pretty good at eating whatever we eat now, but during the week it's easier for me to grab something from the freezer as DH doesn't get in until late so we eat after Ben has gone to bed.  As for the sweet tooth, Berni had a great recipe for mini banana muffins that are brill - very easy to make and satisfy Ben's (and my) sweet tooth.

Amy - I would say that fairy cakes and cup cakes are essentially the same thing.  Fairy cakes tend to be made of quite light sponge cake - I'm not sure about cupcakes though.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #358 on: June 03, 2010, 20:39:13 pm »
Thanks Steph, I'm going to have a good look back through the thread for some recipes. Have given myself a bit of a kick up the bum as I need to get organised again, I started off well in the early days and I guess work and other things have got in the way since!
Catherine x

Offline teilvnav

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #359 on: June 03, 2010, 22:36:06 pm »
Had a great food day today:

B: freeze dried bananas and strawberries (they dissolve in his mouth and he loves them), raisins, toddler biscuit
S: slim whole wheat hamburger bun (they are made by president's choice) with butter and jam, warmed up
L: wagon wheel pasta and green beans with hummus (leftover from dinner last night)
D: roasted chicken, green beans, and roasted potatoes

I am so happy that he will use a plate now without tossing it overboard! It is great.