Author Topic: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5  (Read 63828 times)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #360 on: June 03, 2010, 23:30:32 pm »
Thanks again Berni! DS didn't care for the pasta - but he's teething and extra picky lately. But DD, DH and I really enjoyed it. Ended up using the olives and parmesan. Blue cheese might give a good bite though next time.

Today was:

B: baby oatmeal mixed with applesauce, blueberries x20 (he refused fresh apricot)
S: animal crackers in shopping cart
L: small portion veggie lasagna, strawberries
S: teething biscuit, puffs
D: most of a broccoli potato pancake, yogurt, dried peaches. refused the cauliflower pasta

Oh and Catherine - DS won't do sandwiches either - I quite wish he would sometimes!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #361 on: June 04, 2010, 01:13:17 am »
I'm "missing" DD's eating info. as she is going to the sitter this week and next and I am not sure of how she is eating there or of any snacks. I send lunch but she eats what is there as well if she wants.

Yesterday, what I know she had was:
B-Granola bar and milk (might have had fruit at sitters as I saw the other kids were)
S-not sure
L-I sent 1/2 a stuffed green pepper. The tupperware came back rinsed but I don't know how much she ate
S-I can't remember
D-Toddler meal of spinach and cheese raviolis. Some chicken nuggets and milk (dinner was running too late for her)

Today was:
B-pieces of apple and a blueberry waffle (I toasted it and brought it in the car on the way to sitters--she finished it there so not sure how much again) and milk
S-no idea
L-I sent grilled chicken from DH and I's dinner leftovers --again no idea how much
S-dried fruit mix
D-Italian hoagie and cheeseburger and fries. (we ordered in heh) and milk

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #362 on: June 04, 2010, 02:00:03 am »
Nicole- oh YUM to the italian hoagie! Sounds wicked good! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Let's see, today Nick ate:

B: kashi crunch cereal with blackberries, banana and milk.
L: turkey bologna, cheese, and mayo sandwich on pumpernickel bread with applesauce and tortilla chips.
S: cookie and milk
D: crockpot veggie (onion, mushroom, lima beans, zucchini, broccoli, green beans and tomato) and pasta soup, toast, and milk.
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #363 on: June 04, 2010, 08:09:19 am »
Just realised that I posted those pics and didn't tell you all that they are not 'mine' - don't think mine would look quite so professional  :-[ Just wanted to give you a visual reference - so I should have put a disclaimer on LOL!! I guess they are like a cupcake - tho whenever I've had a cupcake the toppings have been much more extravagant - like a HUGE whip of buttercream rather just a bit of icing with a sprinkling of hundreds and thousands!

Now I need to know what an Italian hoagie is?

Karen - pleased you liked the pasta. Am so glad I found the recipe as it's quick and easy and everyone loves it - which is always a bonus!

Cathie - would love the crockpot pasta soup recipe if you get a minute  :-* Tho may need an expalanation of lima beans???

Here's the last couple of days . . .
B: 2 x home-made blueberry & banana pancakes with yoghurt and honey, bit of satsuma, OJ
S: none (out with Daddy and apparently she didn't ask for one  ::))
L: (still out with DH) adult portion of beans on toast (ie 2 slices and more beans) - apparently she ate the lot . . . maybe cos she hadn't had a snack LOL! apple juice
S: mixed dried berries, bit of licorice, juice
S: smoothie ice lolly, water
D: home-made cabbage, potato and bean soup, bread, smoked stilton cheese, cracker, yoghurt, biscuit, bit of choc (still eating Easter eggs!), milk

B: rice crispies and milk (also a bit of DH's Crunchy Nut Cornflakes and a few of my Shreddies!), apple juice

S: cookies, water
L: Picnic - sandwiches, crisps, sausage roll, ice lolly
S: jam donut, water
S: carrot sticks, juice

At home
D: half a baked potato with tuna mayo, topped with grated cheese, tomato and cucumber pieces, mixed grapes, yoghurt, water, marshmallow / popcorn ball

DD's just recently started to realised that I have a cereal medley / funfetti and she wants the same - hence the mix of cereals for breakfast  ;) There comes a point when you just can't hide things anymore LOL

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #364 on: June 04, 2010, 09:39:23 am »
I was wondering what a Hoagie was too!

DS2 was 2 yesterday and sick, poor thing, he was last year too. Since his birthday is in winter I thnk he'll be sick on his birthday next year too!

Breakfast: MSPI "milk", refused all else
MT: dairy free birthday cake
Lunch: chicken & veg soup
AT: rest of cake slice
D: rice with bit of chilli con carne mixed with chicken broth, MSPI "milk"

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #365 on: June 04, 2010, 10:43:39 am »
Mmmmm hoagie.... it's a type of sandwich - a "sub" or "hero" it's also called (we call them subs in North Jersey LOL). The Italian variety would usually have meats like salami, bologna, etc as well as cheese and lettuce/tomato and oil/vinegar...

Needing some more lunch ideas, ladies. DS won't do bread or toast (grr) other than a toasted bagel (not sure why that's OK with him) so sandwiches or beans on toast or the like is out. Here is a list of the foods he likes - any and all ideas appreciated! Oh - he will usually let me spoon or fork feed him BUT only if he has something he likes to finger feed at same time.

- blueberries, cantaloupe, grapes, strawberries (but especially blueberries - his very favorite)
- veggie lasagna
- broccoli potato pancake
- meatball
- pizza
- brisket
- french fries
- toasted whole wheat bagel with butter or cream cheese
- bites of my chicken marsala
- yogurt (I feed it to him)
- dry cheerios
- dried peaches or dried apricots

- egg omelette (usually put cheese and spinach in)
- sweet potato spears (I bake them with olive oil)
- turkey patty (with veggies and applesauce)
- fusili pasta
- diced roasted carrots
- sweet potato pancake
- salmon stix (fish with chickpeas and cauliflower mixed in)
- Wheatabix or baby oatmeal (he'll let me feed it to him while he feeds himself fruit)

Haven't been able to get him to accept lunchmeats yet, he also doesn't like pieces of cheese on their own. Won't do pancakes or muffins. And since he's only a year tomorrow (!) he's not there with self feeding yet other than with fingers (and some textures bother him to pick up)

TIA guys!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #366 on: June 04, 2010, 11:38:46 am »
we do tortilla wraps here with cream cheese and ham or grated cheese.i cut them into bitesize pieces and D loves them.Lunch is our prob too.
we do:
scrambled egg
macoroni or cauliflower cheese
Ham and cheese muffins
mini pizzas
i do keep offering the sandwiches tho most of it ends up on the floor!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #367 on: June 04, 2010, 11:50:56 am »
We don't eat ham/pork but I can try that with turkey and cheese or the like? But since he doesn't do bread not sure if he'll do wraps - happy to try though. Do you use flour or corn tortillas? And do you cook them in oven or what? Thanks for the idea!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #368 on: June 04, 2010, 14:34:01 pm »
Yes, I used to live in north jersey and called them "subs", but DH is from PA and we live in south jersey now and it's a "hoagie" on the menu. I've heard them called "heros" as well. Don't forget the raw onions though. I have 1/2 a sandwich left in the fridge. Was going to bring to work for lunch but DD is sick so I am home with her. It will still be my lunch though.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #369 on: June 04, 2010, 14:52:39 pm »
i use flour tortillas.i just take one out of the freezer and give it a quick defrost in the microwave and voila!!! D wont do bread but she will do wraps!!!

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #370 on: June 04, 2010, 15:14:32 pm »
And since he's only a year tomorrow (!) he's not there with self feeding yet other than with fingers (and some textures bother him to pick up)
Not to throw this thread off-track, but I was under the impression that self-feeding includes fingers :)  I think most babies don't start using utensils consistently until ~18 months, right?  I'd say he's doing well and wouldn't necessarily sweat that.

Back to the regularly scheduled programming:

Yesterday, DS ate:

B: multi-grain cereal with applesauce mixed in
S: yogurt melts and a Mum-Mum
L: carrots, bananas, and bread; juice
D: Lasagna and some yogurt for "dessert"
*formerly tersaseda*


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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #371 on: June 04, 2010, 15:19:16 pm »
Totally agree Sara and not sweating that at all. Was more just pointing it out as clarification in case it helped anyone with ideas!

LOL would NEVER forget the raw onions... Mmmmm craving a "sub" now. (Sorry just can't bring myself to say hoagie).

Will definitely pick up some tortillas this weekend and give it a go, thanks! So do you keep the insides cold and wrap it up? Or make it more like a quesadilla with melted cheese? How do you serve it?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #372 on: June 04, 2010, 16:18:52 pm »
Yup, it is a "sub" here as well.Now I totally want one! My fave is from Subway (the sandwich shop, not the underground train)... cold cut combo on flatbread with Monteray Jack cheese and all the veggies, but hold the hot peppers. Heaven in a bite, and Nathan likes it too! I just rip off chunks of the flatbread and that's about all he gets. I am avoiding giving him cold cuts until he is older, because of all the hype over lysteria in the last few years. I know, I am paranoid. Only about a few things, though!

I haven't given Nathan wraps yet, but he gets quesadillas frequently. I chop up some meat very finely, and add some very finely chopped veggies. I cook that until done and soft, then put it in the tortilla with a bit of cheese. I let it cool so the cheese isn't super gooey, and then just give him small pieces to feed himself with.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #373 on: June 04, 2010, 17:14:26 pm »
Oh Amy... Nothing against Subway but we need to get you to Jersey to get a "real" sub!!! You'd be in heaven!

Definitely trying quesadillas and/or wraps as soon as I can get to the store. Busy couple days here but definitely by Monday.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #374 on: June 04, 2010, 17:25:11 pm »
B - Shreddies, strawberries, 1/2 piece of toast with marmite, 1/2 with chocolate spread (saw me eating it and there was no way I was getting away with it!!)
L - Chicken, olives, grapes, corn snacks, cucumber - refused bread and butter
S - few goldfish, apple
D - tomato, olive, chicken, mushroom and courgette pasta, rice pudding which he didn't like, strawberries, 2 toddler biscuits.
S - has just scoffed a chunk of my pb and cheese sandwich!!

The wraps sound like a brill idea - I'll get some next time I go shopping.

Also, Berni - do you happen to know which page this recipe is on?  It sounds like something we would like!
Karen - pleased you liked the pasta. Am so glad I found the recipe as it's quick and easy and everyone loves it - which is always a bonus!