Nicole - hope you all get over your bug soon.
Lan - hope DS2 is over his sickness too. It sucks being sick on your birthday - like you say, maybe it's due to it being in the winter. DD has been sick for 2 out of 3 Christmases - the first one she was only 3 months so slept through it anyway. The next 2 she slept cos she wall ill

I've resigned myself to the fact that's probably the way it's going to be . . . although it means we have to go and wake her rather than her coming in at 3am to see if Santa has been

Thanks for the clarification of a hoagie - now I know that it's a 'sub' I totally understand. We have the 'subway' chain here too (shops and underground!) so I've had them on numerous occasions - yum indeed.
Steph - pasta recipe is at the bottom of page 18 (tho I think you may also have seen it before on the menu plan thread?)
B: rice crispies, few shreddies, few Crunchy Nut Cornflakes & milk, OJ
S: (at Grandma's) organix cereal bar, OJ
L: (at Great Gran's) salami, home-made tomato soup with veg & pasta, bread, yoghurt, bit of licorice, water
S: (at friend's) smoothie ice lolly, fig roll biscuit, water
D: 'rice salad' (rice mixed with tuna, chopped up tomato & cucumber, chopped black & green olives), carrot sticks, yoghurt, marshmallow/popcorn ball