Author Topic: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5  (Read 63831 times)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #375 on: June 04, 2010, 19:42:16 pm »
Definitely trying quesadillas and/or wraps as soon as I can get to the store. Busy couple days here but definitely by Monday

Me too! Bread/toast is an on/off thing with us, sometimes he will have a nibble, other times he wont even try it! I think wraps might go down better though!

B - Weetabix
S - Not certain, with my sister (she childminds for me)
L - Sweet & Sour chicken and rice, yogurt
S - carrot stick 'crisps' and probably the odd other thing here and then that my nephew was munching on!
D - 1/2 a fish cake, peas, a chip or 2, yogurt and a pot of pureed fruit

I have a question on the fishcake - this was an ordinary fishcake, but not homemade, that we were having (by ordinary I mean, not specifically meant for kids, but not a cheap horrible one, a 'nice' one!), what are your thoughts on that for DS? Are there things in ready made foods like that that I should not be giving him? Obviously I know that making it myself would be best but I am no chef  :P he loved it!
Catherine x

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #376 on: June 04, 2010, 21:09:49 pm »
Karen-no not warm at all,just fillings straight out of the fridge so just like a sandwich but in a wrap!! why she will eat these and not sandwiches i have no clue!!
i do give her Enchilladas tho aswell as a meal which she just loves so thats the wraps with a warm filling and melted cheese like you said!

It was Clare (clazzat) that told me about her girls eating them and since then i have tried all sorts of cold fillings!

Offline Khalam's Mama

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #377 on: June 04, 2010, 22:09:20 pm »
Ds likes wraps here too and very good for taking and feeding on the run. He also likes pitta bread much more than regular bread.

Today we were teething so not that keen on chewing.

B: Wholemeal Rusk in 3 oz CM
L: Omlette and toast
S: few bites of turkey sandwich and few bites of apple and some cheerios
D: few bites of chicken and boiled potato but think was hurting teeth. 3 large chunks of fresh pineapple. 2 bites of kiwi fruit (from his cousin's bowl.
S: Apple and blueberry semolina cereal with 3 oz CM. a butter biscuit (snuck to him in his babywalker by his cousin)

Am more convinced about the kiwi allergy now because he had a big hive on his butt about 10mins later.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #378 on: June 04, 2010, 22:31:15 pm »
Today Nathan had...

B: whole wheat toast (1/2 slice) with butter, peanut butter, and raspberry/pomegranate/blueberry jam
L: freeze dried bananas and strawberries, cheddar cheese, and brie cheese, wheat thins
S: cheerios, banana, cucumber chunks
D: asparagus, shrimp, red bell pepper, and whole wheat bread with butter (about 1/3 of a slice)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #379 on: June 04, 2010, 23:56:54 pm »
Well we had a stomach bug over here. SO....

B-scrambled eggs and an english muffin w/ cream cheese (at this point I was hoping the vomit upon waking was a fluke of some sort) at some of the eggs.....subsequently threw them all up.
S-watered down milk
L-watered down milk (she kept asking for milk but I didn't want to overdo it) and she ate some fish sticks I had made for myself that she wanted (poor girl was hungry).....subsequently had diarrhea
S-apple and watered down apple juice
D-saltine crackers and regular milk as had been awhile since any v and d episodes.

We shall see what the night brings.

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #380 on: June 05, 2010, 05:13:10 am »
My DS1 was allergic to kiwi, used to get rashes on his cheeks. we stopped it after about 3/4 times when he was around 18 months, reintroduced at 5 and he is fine now.
DS2 is allergic to mango  - much harder for us to avoid as we all love mango!

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #381 on: June 05, 2010, 06:29:49 am »
Nicole - hope you all get over your bug soon.

Lan - hope DS2 is over his sickness too. It sucks being sick on your birthday - like you say, maybe it's due to it being in the winter. DD has been sick for 2 out of 3 Christmases - the first one she was only 3 months so slept through it anyway. The next 2 she slept cos she wall ill  :P I've resigned myself to the fact that's probably the way it's going to be . . . although it means we have to go and wake her rather than her coming in at 3am to see if Santa has been  ;)

Thanks for the clarification of a hoagie - now I know that it's a 'sub' I totally understand. We have the 'subway' chain here too (shops and underground!) so I've had them on numerous occasions - yum indeed.

Steph - pasta recipe is at the bottom of page 18 (tho I think you may also have seen it before on the menu plan thread?)

B: rice crispies, few shreddies, few Crunchy Nut Cornflakes & milk, OJ
S: (at Grandma's) organix cereal bar, OJ
L: (at Great Gran's) salami, home-made tomato soup with veg & pasta, bread, yoghurt, bit of licorice, water
S: (at friend's) smoothie ice lolly, fig roll biscuit, water
D: 'rice salad' (rice mixed with tuna, chopped up tomato & cucumber, chopped black & green olives), carrot sticks, yoghurt, marshmallow/popcorn ball

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #382 on: June 05, 2010, 15:47:49 pm »
Cathie - would love the crockpot pasta soup recipe if you get a minute   Tho may need an expalanation of lima beans???
Lima beans are green, soft beans- go nicely with olive oil and rosemary and artichoke hearts sauteed with some garlic and tossed in pasta.
Some people call them butter beans. Many people say kids don't like them, but I think a lot of people have only had canned and not fresh shelled lima beans. They are related to peas and you do eat them shelled. Yum.
My crockpot pasta soup from the other day was litterally left over penne pasta tossed into a crock pot with chopped tomato, oregano, chopped onion, lima beans, broccoli, carrots, and I forget what other veggies sitting in the bin. Add sea salt and pepper and cook on high setting for 6 hours, stirring as needed. Too simple, but the tomato base of the soup makes it taste nice.
Today Nick ate blueberry pancakes and eggs. Seems to be on a pancake kick ATM.
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

Offline Khalam's Mama

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #383 on: June 05, 2010, 22:24:08 pm »
B: few spoons blueberry and apple semolina cereal. 1/4 piece of toast.
L: omlette and toast
S: yoghurt with multigrain cereal
D: Chicken breast, baked beans and a few bites of chips (opps)

We never seem to get a full breakfast in at the moment. Not sure if it is because the milk feed is bigger in the morning. i have played with times but if I leave it longer than 1.5hrs after wakeup/milk he is moody for it. Any ideas?

Offline teilvnav

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #384 on: June 05, 2010, 23:47:19 pm »
Khalam's Mama (sorry, I don't know your name), I wouldn't worry about it yet; he is still young and it is just fine for milk to be an important source of his nutrition. Nathan always took his biggest milk feed in the mornings as well (it is still his biggest bottle, too), and then only wanted a light breakfast. It is starting to sort itself out now just naturally, as he is getting older. I usually offer him as much breakfast as he will eat (which isn't much) and then offer a snack about 1.5 hrs later of his leftover food and/or whatever else I want to give him. He is mostly on one nap a day, though, so our routine has enough time for that now.

Today Nathan ate:
B: about 3/4 of an egg, a few bites of toast, and a few handfuls of potato/turnip hashbrowns
S: cheese, pickles, and crackers
L: macaroni and cheese with hot dog chunks
S: whole wheat animal crackers and cereal bar stuffed with yogurt and jam
D: chicken chunks and green beans

Offline mumofalice

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #385 on: June 06, 2010, 06:13:50 am »
Cathie - thanks for explanation of lima beans. Not sure if we have them here (will have to google and see if maybe it's called something else) but one thing I do know is that it's highly likely that A will like them - she loves any kind of beans. DH grew broad beans last year for the first time and she would ask for 'bean snack' which basically meant she would go and pick the pods with DH and they would eat them shelled fresh from the pod  ;D (wonder if they are the same thing?? sound very similar).

The soup sounds lovely - great way of just using up some leftover veggies  ;)

B: rice crispies, few shreddies, few CN cornflakes & milk, banana, OJ
S: mixed dried berries, water
L: (at Great Gran's) home-made veg & barley soup, bread for dipping, bit of ham, yoghurt, piece of licorice
S: mixed grapes, juice
D: courgette/zucchini slice (crustless quiche), leftover tuna rice salad - tho mainly picked out the olives  ::), yoghurt, cherries, water, bit of gingerbread biscuit - didn't want milk, maybe cos it was so hot?

Offline <Catherine>

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #386 on: June 06, 2010, 09:27:31 am »
I wouldn't worry about it yet; he is still young and it is just fine for milk to be an important source of his nutrition. Nathan always took his biggest milk feed in the mornings as well (it is still his biggest bottle, too), and then only wanted a light breakfast.
Same here, breakfast was a struggle for a long time. He now eats a good breakfast but seems to be the same everyday!

B - 1 weetabix with 1/2 chopped banana
S - Breadsticks
L - Sweet & sour chicken with rice, pot of pureed fruit
S - Can't actually remember, we were out!
D - Sausage, mashed potato, few baked beans, 2 yogurts

He didnt eat a huge amount of his main meals (other than deserts!), think it might be a teeth issue.
Catherine x

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #387 on: June 06, 2010, 20:38:04 pm »
B - cheerios and milk, humzinger, water
S - blueberries, humzinger, oatcake, blackcurrant chunks, water
L - sausages, peas, sweetcorn, pieces of peach, water
S - pink wafer, apple juice
Tea - DH's herby homemade burgers and spicy veggie rice, yoghurt, water
No supper.

I'm happy with todays food! : )

Nell xxx
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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #388 on: June 06, 2010, 20:49:33 pm »
B - Cheerios, strawberries, blueberries, marmalade on toast
S - corn snacks, some of my apple
Small S - apple
(late) L - sausage, small amount of potato salad, some homemade bread, more blueberries
S - some of my mum's ginger parfait (?)
D - Bread and marmite, cheese, cucumber, fruit puree, humzinger, raisins, goldfish, puffed rice things, yog coated strawberry pieces  (not surprised he at what he ate as he would normally have a decent sized cooked meal but we were at a family bbq all afternoon so grabbed what we could)

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Re: What did your toddler eat today? Part 5
« Reply #389 on: June 06, 2010, 20:55:22 pm »
Same here - breakfast is his lightest meal of the day. Yesterday was:

B: wheatabix and milk, blueberries
L: one egg omelet with cheese and grated zucchini, strawberries
D: most of a yogurt, about 1/2 hot dog, sweet potato "fries"
D: ice cream cake (was his bday), fruit

Today is looking like:

B: muesli, fruit salad, few bites toasted bagel with butter
L: most of a yogurt, broccoli calzone, few fries (at beach)
D: thinking meatball with spinach, bread w butter, fruit salad
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01