I didn't mean to sound all snotty-Starbucks-mom-with-huge-sunglasses-and-high-heels with my organic whole wheat cookies, by the way. It just came out that way.
PMSL at that - I always wonder how you can be a Mum and do the whole heels, sunglasses make up, etc - but maybe that's because I was never like that before

I'm impressed if I leave the house without snot or food on my clothes (DD's not mine I hasten to add!). I do like a Starbucks cappucino - but I'm the mum with the hair scraped back wearing jeans, hoody and trainers (ie whatever fits me and is comfy) and if I've got sunglasses on it's because it really is sunny (so not that often then!)
B: bowl of cereal & milk (half shreddies half rice crispies - few CN cornflakes on the side), some milk to drink, mixed grapes, OJ
At CM:
S: raisins, water
L: fish fingers, smiley faces, chocolate mousse, juice
S: chocolate bun, water
At Home:
D: on the plate: roast chicken with roast potatoes, glazed roast carrots, peas & sweetcorn, onion gravy - ate 3 roast pots, couple of pieces of carrot, couple of mouthfuls of chicken, spoonful of peas & sweetcorn (not bad), yoghurt, banana, cherries, water, milk & popcorn ball (shared with me)
I've started asking Alice to at least try everything on her plate recently - as she's started saying 'no like it' to lots of things that I'm pretty sure that she does like as she's eaten them a million times before. She always picks out the bits she likes (for instance today she wolfed down the roast pots and said she was finished

) but also does seem willing to try at least a bit of everything before I agree that she's finished. I know that she's not had enough to eat as she requests the yoghurt and fruit afterwards and as much as I don't like to 'reward' with food I find myself doing so a bit by saying you can have the yoghurt once you eaten a piece of X, Y and Z.

The toddler food debate will go on forever won't it? LOL