I love to garden. And when I found out I was expecting, my first thought was "I can't wait to get him out in the dirt with me!". Today was that day. I broke out the seed starting green house and the peat pellets. I also found a child's greenhouse that came with snap dragon seeds. I gave him a dish of warm water with a large spoon. Showed him whats what and away he went! We talked about what seeds are and what happens when they are put in dirt with a bit of water and put them in a warm sunny spot. Not sure how much he understood, but I would imagine when he sees the seedlings he will make connections! It was loads of fun and my plans this weekend is to set up the window boxes along the fence {actually mounted to our fence} and have him plant some veggies there {beets, carrots, turnips, radishes}. We live in NC and have terrible rock hard clay soil. And OMG I found this fantastic tree called "Corylus avellana 'Contorta' Harry Lauder's Walking Stick". Now it is just a matter of picking where to put it! I am just so giddy with the prospect of gardening with my son!