Author Topic: Dr's referred DS to an allergist..  (Read 2850 times)

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Dr's referred DS to an allergist..
« on: March 11, 2010, 12:16:03 pm »
So as the title explains my Dr has referred ds to a peadiatrician for allergy tests so we should get some answers soon Yay! She now thinks ds has an allergy to milk protein and not an intolerance.

So, my thinking was he shouldn't have anything with dairy now? The Dr has told me to try ds with other formula's and with plain cow's milk as a drink. (Only tried it with food so far)

I was under the impression this could do more harm than good if it's an allergy?

Just wondering if anyone else was advised to do this with the LO's?


Offline pamelamcgahon

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Re: Dr's referred DS to an allergist..
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2010, 16:16:57 pm »
Milk protein allergy isn't like others that cause anaphalactic shocks as far as I know, you'd basically get tummy ache and runny nappies or severe constipation even or just plain tear.  Exzema and the likes often flare up too.  As there is no real test we had to re challenge it after using hydrolysed for a few months so we could see if there was a reaction, there was so we stay away til 12months now.  We have to wean on a totally dairy free diet and can't have soya alternatives either as they are worse.  I think we will be re introducing dairy after 12 months though as they can grow out of it.

Has your GP prescribed another formula?  You can buy soya but others are either not available or very expensive.

How old is LO?  I want to get mine allergy tested but they said it wasn't reliable at this age and just to avoid.

SOmeone else may have a better answer, but hope this helps a little.

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Re: Dr's referred DS to an allergist..
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2010, 18:07:50 pm »
No they haven't prescribed another formula. We've tried goat's milk (reacted) and soya which he wouldn't drink. Although I keep offering it to him.

 I think the Dr was suggesting retrying cow's milk because he will be 12months next month. (He's 10 1/2 months)?


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Re: Dr's referred DS to an allergist..
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2010, 19:29:09 pm »
Milk protein allergy isn't like others that cause anaphalactic shocks as far as I know,

No, this is not true, you absolutely CAN have anaphylactic responses to milk if that's the type of allergy you have (my friend's daughter is anaphylatic to milk, they have had to use the epi-pen with as little as 1/16th of a teaspoon in a challenge).  Although it seems that LOTS of little ones have stomach/GI issues.

I seriously wouldn't get near any milk based formula (that isn't hypoallergenic) or cow's milk for a while.  If there are GI issues it will take a while to heal, and continuing the challenges will only irritate your LO's gut more, and make him suffer needlessly.  That's just my opinion, I also wouldn't plan on a challenge for at LEAST 3 months, more towards 6-ish months, from now.  And no - my ped , ped allergist, and ped GI have NEVER recommended that. 

I'm so happy you've been referred to an allergist.  Good luck!   :-*  (have you tried almond, rice or oat milk??)

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Re: Dr's referred DS to an allergist..
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2010, 22:12:38 pm »
Hi there

just reading in - scarletts mum I notice you say has she tried rice milk - I am giving this to my LO now and BF morning and night - im wanting to stop BF soon as my supply has dwindled and she is getting very irritated by it constantly snatching on and off but im worried that rice milk just wont be good enough

Ive been reading through the calcium rich list and i dont even know where to get  most of those foods or how I would get her to eat them!!!

Rebecca thats great that you have been refferred to an allergist - I wish I could get a referal - but like others have said they just dont think its worth it - I feel like every time I dairy test Im playing russian roulette with her insides - poor baby...



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Re: Dr's referred DS to an allergist..
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2010, 00:18:37 am »
Hi Annette,

Honestly rice milk alone, even if enriched, probably isn't going to cut it.  Most mama's fatten it up w/coconut milk, which is a great source of calories/fate/nutrients.  Can you find coconut milk where you are?  Most Asian markets have it. 

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Re: Dr's referred DS to an allergist..
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2010, 09:38:03 am »
Yeah, ds has had a curry I made with coconut milk before. He reacted to it. So unfortunately that one's out!

Would rice milk in the day time be ok with a morning and evening BF?

 I really want to stop BF, but I'm prepared to carry on until I can find an alternative for him to have. 

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Re: Dr's referred DS to an allergist..
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2010, 11:34:45 am »
Hi Annette,

Honestly rice milk alone, even if enriched, probably isn't going to cut it.  Most mama's fatten it up w/coconut milk, which is a great source of calories/fate/nutrients.  Can you find coconut milk where you are?  Most Asian markets have it. 
Annette, this is what we did.  At 12 months when my LO was supposed to switch to milk, we switched to a rice/coconut milk combo.  The rice milk we used was fortified with all of the vitamins that milk has and then the coconut milk added fat.


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Re: Dr's referred DS to an allergist..
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2010, 12:33:51 pm »
Yeah, ds has had a curry I made with coconut milk before. He reacted to it. So unfortunately that one's out!

Would rice milk in the day time be ok with a morning and evening BF?

Oh no!  And you're sure it was the coconut milk and not the curry?  My DD2 also didn't tolerate coconut milk at first, which i thought was so strange.  

I personally would have no issue with fortified rice milk during the day, and a morning and evening BF.  BUT, it can be very stressful to know that you have no huge backup if you wean/get sick/lose your supply.  So perhaps get a plan B in place?  Can your LO tolerate soy (sorry if you've mentioned already, you probably have, but I can't remember).  Almond milk is really good and has a lot of calcium.  The rice milk/almond milk sounds like it will have the calcium you need - but you'll have to look to other foods for fat - does your LO eat/like avocado?  That's a SUPER food, lol.  Seriously a great food, lots of fantastic fats, calories, nutrients.  Salmon, olive oil, almond butter, sunflower butter, flax seed oil (don't cook with it, just drizzle on).  

If you can get one or some of the above fatty/non dairy foods in along with the fortified rice milk, I think you will be great and can relax about the BF'ing. (I say this as a mom who nursed my DD2 until 17 months, but was SO stressed until around 14/15 months when I got her diet under control, it was really hard....I get it and don't want to push weaning if you aren't ready, BUT if you are there are some great alternatives).

I really really recommend seeing if you can see a nutrionist to help with a plan - but mixing the above suggestions should put you in a very good place.

 :-* :-*

Offline pamelamcgahon

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Re: Dr's referred DS to an allergist..
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2010, 13:50:42 pm »
I was told by my dietician that rice milk wasn't good enough for under 12 months.  Not sure how old your LO is.  We have been given the hypo allergenic formulas to drink and cook with until 12 months then not sure what will happen after that.  I would ask for a referral to a dietician after any allergy tests are back.  We are currently adding formula (neocate) to all her food and using nutramigen for bottles.

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Re: Dr's referred DS to an allergist..
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2010, 21:19:41 pm »
Hi, I don't think they will give me hypoallergenic formulas until after we've seen the allergist. I've given the soy milk to the CM and asked her to keep introducing it to him with his lucnh. This was how we got him to drink water. He's point blank refusing to drink it when I'm around.

I've been told he can't have just soy milk but he eats well so I'm hoping if we manage to wean him onto soy I can control the reast with diet?