Yeah, ds has had a curry I made with coconut milk before. He reacted to it. So unfortunately that one's out!
Would rice milk in the day time be ok with a morning and evening BF?
Oh no! And you're sure it was the coconut milk and not the curry? My DD2 also didn't tolerate coconut milk at first, which i thought was so strange.
I personally would have no issue with fortified rice milk during the day, and a morning and evening BF. BUT, it can be very stressful to know that you have no huge backup if you wean/get sick/lose your supply. So perhaps get a plan B in place? Can your LO tolerate soy (sorry if you've mentioned already, you probably have, but I can't remember). Almond milk is really good and has a lot of calcium. The rice milk/almond milk sounds like it will have the calcium you need - but you'll have to look to other foods for fat - does your LO eat/like
avocado? That's a SUPER food, lol. Seriously a great food, lots of fantastic fats, calories, nutrients.
Salmon, olive oil, almond butter, sunflower butter, flax seed oil (don't cook with it, just drizzle on).
If you can get one or some of the above fatty/non dairy foods in along with the fortified rice milk, I think you will be great and can relax about the BF'ing. (I say this as a mom who nursed my DD2 until 17 months, but was SO stressed until around 14/15 months when I got her diet under control, it was really hard....I get it and don't want to push weaning if you aren't ready, BUT if you are there are some great alternatives).
I really really recommend seeing if you can see a nutrionist to help with a plan - but mixing the above suggestions should put you in a very good place.