we have a variety of things (way too many things) and they mostly just get stuck in her mouth and then thrown behind her as she goes after the next thing to stick in her mouth. i have a built in entertainer (big sis), it is much easier to keep dd2 entertained when dd1 is around. can you do playdates? babies love other babies, and then you get to visit with your friends too.
they both loved anything that makes a noise at this age, music, lights etc bring it on. i have an activity table from baby einstein. it is great to encourage standing and has music as well as sings the ABCs and 123s, colors, numbers, shapes etc. dd2 is not standing yet but at about this age dd1 could walk around it while holding on.
i also have a baby walker that makes music and has holes to put different shapes into it. this was a favorite of dd1 from about 6 mo to about 20 mo and then when i pulled it out a few months ago for the baby she was back playing with it again. it's putting the shapes into the holes (which then makes a noise,lights,music) that she liked so much but it was good to learn to stand and push. dd1 still pushes it around and calls it her car. it seems to be the toy she has played with for the longest amount of time. it was a gift but retails for about $50, but given the mileage i think worth it.
also boxes or bags that they can put things into and then take things out of or dump, drag around etc.
dd1 has a kitchen with drawers and dd1 is into pulling everything out of the drawers/cubboards.
have you gone swimming with her yet? they both love swimming/splashing in the water and this is a great activity to get out of the house. i also do a music class with both of them and they love listening to the music and dd2 mostly just rolls/crawls around on the floor and chews on the drums, tamborines, shakers etc. good adult time too. too bad you don't live in vancouver!