Author Topic: Wondering if my 19 month old is lactose intolerant  (Read 5091 times)

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Offline yellow rose

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Wondering if my 19 month old is lactose intolerant
« on: March 13, 2010, 16:29:48 pm »
My lo guzzles milk like crazy and enjoys eating cheese and yogurt, pretty much any and all dairy products.  However, he wakes screaming in the middle of his naps as if he is in pain.  At first, I made schedule adjustments thinking that was the problem because I truly had no idea what was going on, but none of that helped.  Then, one day as I was changing his diaper, I started thinking about how bad his diapers are.  He rarely has a solid stool and his stools are horribly stinky.  Sorry for that bit of information!  So, then I wondered if he was lactose intolerant and switched him to Lactaid milk, while also not giving him yogurt and limiting his cheese intake and it seems to have made a difference.  His diapers are definitely better and he was sleeping better for a little while anyway.  Should I bring this up to his pediatrician and have him tested for lactose intolerance as well as any other allergies?


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Re: Wondering if my 19 month old is lactose intolerant
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2010, 21:02:06 pm »
He rarely has a solid stool and his stools are horribly stinky. 

Hi, don't be sorry for the info - soooo much can be told from our LOs stools, and it's amazing how much we all scrutinize what comes out of our LOs bodies.   :D

So - if his stools have always been this way, there is a chance he has an intorlerance/allergy to milk.  It could be the lactose, or the milk protein itself.  The best way to tell is to eliminate it (which you've done) and since you are seeing an improvement that's a great sign.  The thing is since you've gone to Lactaid milk, but also dropped the yogurt and cheese, it could be either one.  If there is a milk allergy/intolerance lactose free won't really help.  (that's the milk sugar, not the milk protein - both which can cause issues).

Yes, I would absolutely speak to his ped about this.  I would ask to see a ped allergist and have then test for the top 8 just to be sure (milk, soy, wheat, eggs, peanuts, treenuts, fish, shellfish).

Hope this helps some.  How is he doing now?  It can take several days to work it's way out of the system, but if you are seeing slight improvement after 24/48hrs after removing the food, that can be an indicator that there is an issue with that food.

Offline yellow rose

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Re: Wondering if my 19 month old is lactose intolerant
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2010, 00:37:40 am »
Well, his diapers seem to be a bit better, but the big thing I had noticed originally was that he was napping so much better when I switched him to Lactaid.  Rather than waking after an hour and screaming, he would sleep for 2 - 2.5 hours and wake happily.  However, now he is waking crying from his naps again, and not making it past an hour or so, so I don't really know what to think.  I did try to give him yogurt for lunch one day and after that, he woke from his nap SCREAMING like someone was hurting him, so that was a bit of a clue for me.  He sleeps well at night, so I guess the napping thing could be a schedule issue and/or a food issue.


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Re: Wondering if my 19 month old is lactose intolerant
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2010, 13:12:42 pm »
My DD2s sleeping suffered w/her milk allergy.  Her tummy would cramp and she would just be so uncomfortable.  During her awake time it wasn't as bad since she was moving around, being distracted.  But lying down exacerbated the problem.

Seeing how he reacted to the yogurt I personally would cut all dairy, not just lactose free, and for sure get in to see a ped allergist.

Good luck, let us know how it goes!

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Re: Wondering if my 19 month old is lactose intolerant
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2010, 13:16:38 pm »
Im with the PP.

Our youngest suffered with lactose intolerance from a very young age, eventually i manage to persuade someone to test her and not just tell me she had colic!
It was my MIL who suggested the intollerance, as 3 of her 5 suffered from it.

We cut out all dairy and various other products, pasta, bread etc, we bought substitute versions and withing a few days of her being on the lactose free formula she was a different baby, she slept!
good luck!

Offline yellow rose

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Re: Wondering if my 19 month old is lactose intolerant
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2010, 18:19:58 pm »
The strange thing is that he sleeps well at night, so it's hard to determine what's going on (if anything).  I did call my pediatrician today and they said to cut all dairy for 3 months, then slowly reintroduce it and see how he does.  I asked about having him tested for lactose intolerance, but they said to try their recommendation first.   ???  So, I guess we'll give it a whirl and see how he does.  I understand their reasons for not jumping to test him for something, but sometimes I just want to know and not try this and that and everything in between!!!!