hang in there aselby.... my little man wanted to be up for 2hours straight at 2am.... I sympathise on the sleep issue.....
My little one likes to rise and shine way too early for me, talking to himself for about an hour or so before getting irritated, which is when I declare him AWAKE for the day.... Despite this, he likes to have a morning sleep two hours after i get him - a time officially 3 hours or so, then the next nap usually falls between 2 - 2and a half hours a time. In the arvo I try for a catnap, after 2 hrs a time, because otherwise there's not enough time, but he won't want it - yet by bed time (total a time 5 hrs) he's been asleep for an hour - so technically awake for 4!!! He only gets grizzly at the end... So who knows? Let me know if you get any help though... I tried messing with going to bed time, and ended up with more Night wakings.... so I'm currently sticking with one night waking, one early morning start and trying to fit a catnap in in the hope that he will NEVER wake up for 2hours at 2am again....! Mind you at least he wasn't crying for all that time - just talking......