ok... so we just got in to the allergist this morning! I'm glad that I took pictures last week when his eczema was flared, because it is much better now (at least he could see I wasn't imagining it!). The problem is that I can't tell if the rash went away on its own or not, because his pead said to use hydrocortizone to get rid of it. Naturally the day after it goes away, we get an appointment.
The allergist said he definitely has eczema, and MSPI. But, when he did the scratch test, Austin didn't react to milk or soy. It kind of confused me, but he said that its because he has been on the hypo formula for a while now, so his body is not reacting. ....sooo he said to stay on alimentum for 12 weeks and then do a trial with milk again. I'm still not sure if he isn't reacting, because of the cream I slathered all over his body. Go figure. but, at least for the moment, he is much better. His bottom isn't as red either, which might be a good sign, but not sure. So hope and pray the Dr. is right and he will be OK on this... but in case he isn't then I will try the neocate.
The other problem, is that his reflux is still much worse... spit up over 15 times yesterday, and soaked I cant count how many bibs. or how many puddles I had to clean off the floor. Even when I held him completely vertical. So now I have to figure out what the cause of that is, if it is the formula, or a reflux related (or worse) problem. Such a puzzle!!