Author Topic: 8 week old BFing every 2 hours!!  (Read 766 times)

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8 week old BFing every 2 hours!!
« on: March 17, 2010, 02:41:33 am »
My LO is eating every 2 hours and only sleeping for 15 - 30 minutes at a time during the day.  I'm posting here on Vikki, Dylan's Mommy's suggestion.  Is there a way I can stretch out her feeding times so she goes a little longer without her being completely miserable?  I hate to think of her crying because she's hungry  :-[  I'm thinking that if she goes a little longer between feeding that when she does eat she will get a fuller belly and then maybe sleep a little longer.  She nurses on one side for anywhere from 5-12 minutes. 
Thanks in advance for your help!

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Re: 8 week old BFing every 2 hours!!
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2010, 14:58:40 pm »
When my LO was this age I had the same problem. We actually needed to get him sleeping longer first so that he could go longer between feeds. If he was awake, he wanted to eat IYKWIM? At the beginning to get him to sleep longer I had to AP his naps. As his naps got longer, he was able to go longer between feeds.

Are you only nursing on one side? If you are, try offering the second side and see what happens. You could also offer a paci between meals and see if that stretches things out a bit.

My LO was also born fairly small and he had a lot of catching up do to, so he was/is a hungry baby :) I've had a hard time getting him on an appropriate length easy for his age because he's just so hungry. I wonder if this is the same for your LO?
Meredith - Mommy to

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Re: 8 week old BFing every 2 hours!!
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2010, 22:30:00 pm »
Hi there  :)

Have the feeds always been every 2h or has it jumped down to this recently? What happens at naps - does she feed to sleep or settled to sleep and then wakes crying then fed?  The feeds - active sucking, good swallowing sounds?How does the feed end - she comes off? Uncomfortable? Spit-ups? Much wind when burping? Tried anything to help bring wind up more easily? Seems happy and comfortable between feeds or crying shortly after feeds? Plenty of wet and pooey nappies and growth / development all looking okay?

Sorry, lots of questions. Just trying to get a full picture here. I am cautious at stretching feeds until we can rule out Reflux. The answers to the above will give us a better idea  :)

It will get better  :-*
