uggh, just had the most horrible morning, well the second really. For the last 2 mornings DS has woken at 5.30am which is just too early. We never get up before 6am so I go into his room once the shouting gets loud (!) and try to settle or at least keep him calm until we can get up. When he was about 10/11 months we did a lot of this as he was teething molars and 9/10 he would fall asleep again...but not now! This morning he had the most major tantrum and it has really upset me

I lay down next to him and this morning he just lost it. He was just screaming, grabbing at my hair, thrashing about and the screams were awful - really horrid upsetting sounds, not just a bit of a cry iykwim. I am at a loss as I just cannot get him up before 6am but we cannot go through that again. It was crazy! I don't think it is pain, I think he just wants to get up and is getting so mad that I don't do that. Not sure how to handle it. We are right at the end of 2:1 and I think that is part of it, I also think he is a little OT due to a couple of early mornings but somehow I HAVE to get him to sleep until 6am.
Thanks bx