so,im back again with yet another post on EW.my chronic EWer is getting worse.its not just the waking early its the huge battle im having.it ends up with both of us crying and my poor DH having to literally hold onto me to stop me just giving in and getting her up!!
Enough is enough.After 12 months,possibly more, of stupid wake ups im getting tough because i cant take it anymore,i have to do something.Daisy isnt getting the sleep she needs,my ds's sleep is disturbed because of her and its now causing problems with my dh.
i KNOW this is a battle of wills,cos no matter how much routine tweaking i do it doesnt get any better.its like she doesnt get she should turn over and go back to sleep,she is awake and wants up and will scream till she gets it.She wakes up and immeidiately shouts for me.she then starts to scream,she has never been a child to chat to herself for a while,once she is awake we know about it!
so,yesterday i decided she was not getting up till at least 6am and i would do wiwo untill then.i have got some fairy lights on a timer to try and get her to understand that when the lights come on its time to get up.After speaking to Anna* and what she went thru with Stan,i figured i would do what she does.
so,now im getting tough,day 1 today and it was awfull.she woke at 5am and she screamed till i got her at 6.she started off just cross,shouting 'get me out,now!' but then it went to 'mummy cuddle me' and i cant bear it!!! (now im balling again!!

) it felt too much like CC,she was clinging to me when i went near the cot,and kept screaming 'mummy,mummy come back!'
i know i have to do this for all of my familys sake but its hard.i need some help thru this.im on my own for 4 days now cos DH is away and i dont think i can do it on my own!
Please help me get thru this and crack this,i need some hands to hold