Hi Lucy
sorry you've had such a rough afternoon. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry with her calling herself a cheeky little madam....it is truly utterly hysterical but I know if DS came out with something like that I'd feel like shaking him silly, iykwim!!! I am just itching to meet her!!
Anyway, it's too late for my thoughts now but I am going to do what I do best and that is throw in OT and not UT. You say she was rubbing her eyes and yawning but then screamed when you put her down - is it possible she was tired and ready-ish for bed but that teeth were bothering her and thus the screaming? Teeth have a wonderful ability to hurt more when in a horizontal position - sinus pressure changes and puts pressure on different spots of the jaw and can make it much more painful for them, as well as the fact that when they are lying down and supposed to be relaxing they become more aware of the feeling in their mouth than when they are running around playing. So it could be that she was not in fact UT but that she ended up OT after a certain point in time. And the antics all afternoon were OT hyperness?? (Will never forget the day DS just did not nap and by 3pm he was a crazy child!!!)
Anyway, it just makes me wonder if you could give her something for her teeth AND put her down a wee bit later -- we are up to close to 6ish hours here so I do think you've been right keeping her nap closer to 6h as my DS is much higher sleep needs and lower A times so she must be able to handle that long. On a short night of 11 h night sleep DS's nap is about 5.5 hours later. On a long night of 11.5- 12.5h night sleep his nap is about 6h later. Not saying that what we do is right for D, but I do think sometimes (for me at least) it helps me to judge if I can compare A times to others and know where to slot DS in, if that makes sense? So I would put Daisy at wee bit longer A times than we use here as a starting point.
I have no idea if any of this helps, tbh I have been typing one sentence at a time while putting groceries away and really lost track a few times of what I was saying and what my point is, so many apologies....