Ok, so we have serious food issues here. DS started getting picky with molars, prob about Octoberish. It has gotten increasingly worse, he is now refusing all old favourites and the old stand-bys.
I do know that a huge portion of the problem is DH. I really hate to sound like I am creating blame or passing blame but, really....it is. He does NOT accept when DS says he doesn't want something, does not accept that when he is finished he is finished, and spends ages and ages begging him to eat. He also is very quick to run to the fridge and get things that he knows DS will eat, when he does not want his dinner. So no matter how often we discuss this and agree on it, the next night, DH will run and get something that DS will eat. And he begs and begs him to eat, long after I have excused him from the table after one lick of ketchup for dinner, DH is walking around the house asking him to please come back and eat. Or asking if he's hungry, asking does he want this or that and so on. He's now had these old reliables for so many lunches and dinners when DH rushes off to get them that he is bored of them as well and won't eat them either.

So I have put my foot down (for about the 5th time but this time I am NOT budging!) What is for dinner (or bkfst/lunch) is what you get and that is it. I make sure there is one thing that he likes (or used to like) and that I know he will eat, but only a certain amount of it, and the rest is whatever we are having. And that is IT. You don't want it, that's fine with me, but there's nothing else.
So it's now been three days without him barely eating anything. Monday he had a wee bit of toast and a bit of fruit. Tuesday he had about 1/2 of a breadroll. Today he had 2 oatmeal biscuits (savory not sweet). He is also refusing milk, though I suspect it is at least partly because DH is sitting there holding the sipyp cup to his mouth every 2 seconds saying "have a drink...have a drink....drink your milk...."
And so I am losing face and DH is telling me that I am wrong. I keep saying that he will not starve, toddlers can't starve themselves, that we have to respect his right to not eat, that he will eat if and when he is hungry and so on. But he points out that when you ask him if he is hungry he beelines for his highchair and is desperate to get in. When I am cooking dinner he is desperate to climb up to his chair and if I tell him dinner will be a couple of minutes he freaks and signs hungry over and over again. But when you put him in his chair, show him what's on offer, he says blech and then says he's not hungry and doesn't want it and asks to get down and then won't go anywhere near food or the kitchen or anything. So DH is right, ds IS hungry, he would just rather go hungry than eat what I am offering. FWIW it does not matter if I ask him what he wants and he chooses, nor does it matter if that is nutella on toast or pancakes and syrup...this is not just an issue of "adult dinners" this is everything you could possibly offer him.
So.....am I really wrong to take this approach with him? He's recently been ill and didn't eat for a few days because of that, so he should really be making up for it, but instead is eating less and less. How long do you think I can let this go on for before worrying or changing tactics?