Hi ChristinaMarie, and (((hugs))) for your dd - my ds has had eczema since 2 weeks old and it is no fun
I thought if it was food allergy, there would also be vomiting and diarrhea? Is that correct?
Unfortunately, no - there are tons of symptoms of food allergy, and not all of them are digestion-related. In addition to symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea, food allergies can cause symptoms in the respiratory system (like wheezing or asthma), the cardiovascular system, or the skin (like hives or eczema). My ds is allergic to dairy, eggs, peanut, and mustard and his main symptoms are hives, swelling (lips only so far, thank God), and eczema flare-ups.
Having said that, all eczema is not food-allergy related. In fact, when we had Dylan's allergy testing done our allergist tested him for dust mite allergy, as apparently that is a very common cause of eczema.
You mentioned that her skin worsened a couple of weeks ago - has anything changed? New foods introduced, or larger amounts being eaten of a food she's had before? New ingredients or processed foods (for example, sulfites are a common allergen)? New clothes/soap/carpet/etc? Change in seasons/weather/indoor heating/cooling? Teething or illness? (My ds' eczema on his cheeks always flares before teeth or when he is ill) If you are bfing, have YOU changed/eaten anything different recently?
Your Ped is right in the sense that many things can trigger eczema, but with some detective work you might be able to help discover some triggers and minimize her flare ups. Dylan's eczema is still there and still flares on occasion, but if you compare it to what is was a year ago the difference is night and day. It is possible
Let me know what you think