Author Topic: dietician advice for MPI 18 mo  (Read 1430 times)

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Offline lilisuze

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dietician advice for MPI 18 mo
« on: March 26, 2010, 09:13:33 am »
I am waiting for DS to see a dietician. HV reckons he might need some tweaking to his food intake because he does not get enough vitamins/calcium from formula milk. The appoitment is not until May 12th!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (have been waiting since january!)

Personally i think his intake is ok. He has 2 beakers of soy formula a day, eats weetabix or toast for breakfast, sandwich type meals for lunch and normal table meals. Ok, he doesnt always eat the veg (find me a toddler who does!) but generally he will eat some peas/potatoes and always always baked beans if they are on offer lol! I try to offer soya yogurts and sometimes vanilla rice milk as a treat.

Has anyone seen a dietician for advice for MPI babies to give me an idea of what i should be doing with  him?


Lili xx
Little dude (2008) spirited monkey boy
Little pink (2011) textbook princess

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Re: dietician advice for MPI 18 mo
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2010, 10:44:43 am »
We saw one Lili - I know you live close to where I was but am not sure if you fall into the same area as we were for health care? We saw one at the new hospital in St Helen's.

TBH i did not find her helpful at all!!! She basically worked out how much calcium he needed each day and gave me a list of foods that contained x amounts of calcium and told me to get it into him.  And, her only concern was calcium intake, nothing else - though I am sure if we'd been referred for another reason she would have had other things to discuss but it was, in her mind, a calcium issue and that was really all she was willing to look at.

There is a decent list here of calcium amounts in foods that might help get you started - but you can probably find better lists if you do some searching:

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Re: dietician advice for MPI 18 mo
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2010, 19:22:37 pm »
Little dude (2008) spirited monkey boy
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Re: dietician advice for MPI 18 mo
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2010, 03:05:58 am »
ooh- you may get more info/help on the food allergies board! I'll move this post there and hopefully more folks will chime in!
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007


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Re: dietician advice for MPI 18 mo
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2010, 20:22:50 pm »
Hi there,

It actually sounds like he is eating really well!  Definitely on a par (if not better) than my toddler.   :D 

I think it's great that you will be able to see a dietitian to get some more insight and ideas on what else to add, what supplements etc.  Might as well take advantage of all the help you can.

In the meantime, I wouldn't worry at all and just continue on how you are.  We never saw a dietician, but won't count it out for the future.

Not a lot of advice, sorry, but hope this helps a bit.   :-*