hello guys,
thank you for your replies! i have never posted here or anywhere before and it is so nice to have had replies!!
we went back to the doc and we are trying the c&g formula, she has been on it for 4 days now & the stools have definitely softened, they are not 100% there yet but i am hoping in the next few days we will see more of a difference once the initial transition is over. a definite plus is that she is gulping this formula down, it must taste better, it defiantly smells better!
we are waiting for an appointment to come through to see a dietitan, so hopefully by that time we will see if this formula is better.
I am so happy we will be seeing a dietitan as the docs dont seem to know anything about this, we have seen a few and i have basically told them what i think it is and they have gone along with it & given us the formulas we wanted! & dont get me started on my HV!
i will keep you all posted on our progress.
thank you x x