So, we finally had our allergist appt yesterday! I had heard before going that this Dr. can have quite the harsh bedside manner, and while he was quite curt (only word I can think of!) he was fairly pleasant to us both. Spencer tried to escape out the back exit right when we arrived, I think she knew something was up!
The Dr. would only do the scratch test for milk & eggs (the only 2 things we know she reacted to) and they both made miniscule welts smaller than the control. So, the Dr. thinks she is probably not allergic, but sent us off to the hospital to do blood work too. Oh, and did I mention that Spencer screamed as soon as the liquid for the test hit her arm and didn't stop until we left, and then continued to quietly sob to herself?
It only got worse at the lab...took me and a nurse to pin her down, but I am so thankful that the nurse who took the blood found a vein quickly...I have never seen blood taken as fast as that man did. She screamed the place down and I don't think she will ever trust someone in scrubs or a lab coat again! real answers yet...Dr. says if blood work is neg too he wants me to feed her eggs (hmm...not sure on that, being in a rural setting) I would love her to not be allergic, but I don't want to cause a worse reaction in a place where the hospital and only ancient doctor may not be alot of help!
Oh, and today she had explosive poos at daycare and a fever...and the only different thing she ate yesterday was soy yogurt??