Hi everyone....been a while since i been in these parts lol
My DD, after bad colic, constant diarrhea etc etc was put on lactose free milk finally at the age of 8 months old. Thankfully by about 18months old we were able to wean her onto a limited dairy diet, but then obviously by that time there was plenty of other stuff in her diet to help.
Shes going to be 3 at the end of May. The problem is that over the past six months or so, the diarrhea has gotten worse again. She's never really made many solid poops, even when on the lactose free milk, but normally its not too smelly and a 'normal' amount if that makes any sense.... the last few weeks have been awful. her wind has gotten worse and her nappies are out of this world. We think she may have a little tummy bug at the mo but tbh im tired of putting it down to something else each time. She's having a bowel movement (prob best to describe it as an explosion lol) 2, 3 and sometimes 4 times a day. Yesterday it came up out of her nappy and was all over her chest, almost up to her armpits

She says her tummy hurts but she goes from not eating hardly anything to being constantly hungry and compliains that her bits down below hurt

I took her to the GP friday and he took a stool sample as she filled her nappy right there in the surgery, even he agreed the smell was awful...says he's gonna have it checked to see if theres any lingering bug there like rotavirus or something but in the meantime to keep her dairy free for 2 weeks. If theres no improvement after that then he will refer her to a paediatric dietitian he says. The thing is, now shes older i dont have a clue of what to give her. She loves cheese and yoghurt, although i ve always been careful how much of it i give her because i know there is a threshold of how much she can have and then she gets looser stools.
I asked the doc if it means LF milk again but he said that or soya is fine.....what do i give her?? is it best to giver her lactose free milk or soya? Mother in law says there is lactose free cheese and yoghurts now but im thinking we should just steer clear of it for now entirely apart from the milk.....
Please help!!! Anyone got Lactose intolerant kids? What can i give her?