I totally love your avatar Jann!
OK, back to the question at hand: around this age we got to a place with Josie where if she did nap she'd be up late and/or early the next day b/c she'd had her sleep quota, and if she didn't nap she'd be OT by bedtime. I finally pulled the plug on the nap b/c we had an OT kid anyway and I didn't want to lose my evening time to boot.
Do you think he might be ready to be dropping his nap, or at least approaching that point? I know it sound early, but Josie stopped most naps by 2-1/2 and Nat dropped hers entirely by 18 months, so I have a really skewed reference in my family!
For a while, though, we had a setup where instead of a mandated nap for Josie, we had Quiet Time. She could play quietly in her room, read, do puzzles, nap if she waned/needed - and she did snooze maybe 2-3 afternoons a week for a while regardless. I'd put on an hour-long CD of quiet music , make sure she had a clean diaper, and she'd have some time to recharge and so would I. She liked the freedom to play in her room, and we both enjoyed the down time (we're both introverts and recharge by being away from people for a while.). This setup was in place when I had DD#2, so Josie at least had that part of her routine down, and if I was able to get Nat napping when J had Quiet Time, I got a real break.
Anyway, it might be worth trying just to see what happens. Oh, and when beds are still new they do like to play at getting in and out and over and under for a while till the novelty wears off - and they'll often still go thru phases like that - totally normal, and it does pass! Nat's almost 5 and is going thru a "hiding under the bed" phase these days.