Liz, I'm going to chime in here and say that like you and other PP's, I also have a small kid who prefers to graze and is not now (and never has been) food focused. She has been below the zero centile for weight since 12 months old, but now I suspect she has probably managed to climb back onto the growth chart. Like Deb said, it all started when she was an infant and only breastfed for 5-6 minutes per side. I was sure something was wrong with my supply, or her. Turns out, she wasn't that hungry. Once she started solids, the trend continued, I continued to worry, and it was not until she was about 15 or 16 months old that I really started to trust her and realize she just didn't want to eat much. Even now, at 2.5, I would say a fantastic day of food intake would look something like what I describe below:
8 am- wakes up and wants 6-7 ounces of milk. As long as she continues to ask for this, I will continue to offer it. I view milk as something more than a drink, but less than food, if that makes sense.
9 am - breakfast. Maybe 1/4 to 1/3 cup cereal, or a 4 oz yogurt, or one small pancake
am snack- goes to nursery m,w and f and has a small snack there. The other 4 days when she is home, I don't offer one and she never asks.
Noon- lunch. 1/2 of a sandwich and a handful of fruit, or maybe a baby bell cheese snack and some fruit
pm snack- a handful of raisins, fruit etc if she eats it at all (again we skip this a lot)
6 pm - dinner about one half a serving of EZ Mac, one scrambled egg and some fruit, or two tortilla triangles and some cheese.
7:30- about 4-5 more ounces of milk
I am convinced this is all the food she wants or needs. I know this because to get her to eat more, I would probably have to chase her down and force it down her. If that is not a sign she isn't interested, I don't know what it. She eats a wide variety of food, just not very much. Hope this helps.