Well it seems like there is a neverending supply of 'my toddler isn't eating' posts, so my turn.
Finn started daycare last week, he's been teething and had a gastro bug. So I can't really blame a kid. Yet this has been going on for a while now, he's been off food for several weeks really, just not interested in meals - no purees, only finger foods, but he is selective about what finger foods he will eat and he maybe eats like 2 or 3 carrots and calls it a day. At the moment the best I can get him eating a lot of is cheese and occasionally chicken

I have been trying to put him on whole milk, but since his runny stools I have asked daycare to not give it to him until we can rule that out as a suspect. It started at the same time as me adding whole milk to his bottles...and he's not keen on the milk. Reflux? Dunno.
But I have been sending a lunch bottle of formula, and that is all he is taking for the whole day. He gets yogurt and whatever we can get into him in the morning and then nothing until his lunch bottle and then again he's not really eating dinner, and then gets his bedtime bottle.
Should I nix the lunchtime bottle in hopes he will take more solids? The paed thinks I should stop the formula altogether but I don't want to starve the kid either. They are offering decent meals at daycare but they have concerns about him not eating.
It's like these issues just keep recycling, eating sleeping eating sleeping eating sleeping lol