At this very moment I'm eating tuna on water crackers

Still finding lots to eat, it's actually been good in that I'm looking up new recipes and trying different things.
So DS had another flare-up this past weekend. It seems to happen every 7 or so days so I'm thinking that it isn't something that I eat on a regular basis. Does that sound like a reasonable assumption? Perhaps keeping a food diary may help us cinch down what else is causing problems. I'm thinking it's either eggs or citrus (citric acid). He had a particularly bad flare-up after we had dinner out a couple weeks ago. I was super cautious with my meal selection and told our waiter I had xyz food allergies. However, I did have a glass of red wine...I chalked up his bad reaction to the bite of carrots which I didn't know had butter on them (I was SOOO mad!), but now I'm thinking it may have been a combination of foods at that particular meal: the aforementioned carrots, beef and red-wine.
I eat a multi-grain musli cereal with almond milk every day for breakfast so I'm thinking it's not gluten or nuts. I guess we just keep on eliminating until we find out!