Author Topic: 2.5 YO resisting bedtime - SA or dropping nap or traumatized from recent injury?  (Read 946 times)

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Offline marensmama

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Hayden's routine has been as follows for the last almost year (all give or take 15-30 minutes:
6:30 ish wake
12:30 ish nap for 2 hours
6:30 wind-down, jammies, etc., asleep by 7.

She broke her arm 10 days ago falling off her sister's toy horse and currently has her right arm in a splint (kind of a 1/2 cast, from her wrist to her armpit).  She's a tummy sleeper and had difficulty for the first two nights until she figured out how to roll onto her tummy with the splint.  For the last several weeks she's been resisting bedtime somewhat off and on, but for the last 4 nights she's been consistently resisting bedtime until 8:00, when she promptly falls asleep.  She is sometimes happy and chatting away to her stuffies, sometimes she's upset and wants me with her.  Since she broke her arm, I have noticed that she is more clingy, so maybe she's just recovering still from that.  However, if I'm in her room with her she's quite happy (but won't go to sleep any sooner!), and she snuggles my arm and tells me she loves me and begs me to stay with her.  It's all quite sweet, but it pushes my evening back by an hour, and I need that time to get everything ready for the next day at daycare/work etc.  Plus Maren is asleep by 7:15 and I need to maintain that bedtime - if Hayden stays up then Maren thinks she should too and she's only getting a 10.5 hour night tops, so moving bedtime later isn't really the solution.

Hayden loves her nap, has no problem going down for it and still seems to need it.  However, she has gone without it or with a quick catnap in the car when we've been traveling and she doesn't seem too bothered.  Should I cut back her nap and by how much if so?  Should I just wait until her splint is off before I try anything?  ???

Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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How long will she have the splint on Nicole?  Masyn was 2.5 when we dropped the nap completely to preserve the 7:00 bedtime we had finally gotten both girls on, and now we are letting Spencer nap a bit later and longer to push the bedtime back to 8:00 so we can get out for walks in the evening as a family.

Honestly I think it could be a bit of everything you mentioned bothering her at once, but I think if she has figured out how to sleep comfortably with the splint, it may be more that she is UT and wants some company until she is really ready to fall asleep. If it was me I would try shaving 15/20 minutes off the nap for a few days and see what happens. Is she easy to wake early from a nap? Spencer is now a complete bear when I wake her from a nap!

Offline marensmama

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I think a shorter nap might be worth a try, but she can be crabby when woken up.  That being said, her nap is sometimes only an hour and a half anyways, and she's not any easier to get to sleep on those days.  She does seem UT to me though.  :-\
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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We had whittled Masyn down to a 15 min power nap by that point...maybe 1 hour? Especially if you want to keep Maren's bedtime...Masyn would be very put out if she ever thought Spencer got to do stay up late and she didn't.  I usually try to make noise around the house so that Spencer gets woken up...just not by me!!

Offline marensmama

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It seemed like Hayden was getting a cold today, so I told her DCP to let her nap as long as she needed... she slept 2hr15min, and seemed to be feeling better.  We ended up going out for dinner and didn't get them into bed until 7:30, and Hayden was out like a light.  So maybe I could move bedtime a bit later since Maren's not falling asleep until 7:15 or so anyways.  Or I'll have two crabby and OT girls tomorrow and be back at square one!  ::)
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Or I'll have two crabby and OT girls tomorrow and be back at square one!  ::)

They never make it easy do they?  :)  Hope they aren't both OT, those kind of days are never fun!