Author Topic: 27 month old - 30 min naps and crying awake from all sleeps?  (Read 813 times)

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Offline Evilmena

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27 month old - 30 min naps and crying awake from all sleeps?
« on: April 04, 2010, 17:30:37 pm »
Hi there,

My spirited 27 month old has always been a pretty good sleeper but the last few days he's completely out of sorts.  He wakes in the morning crying, his 1 nap a day he started crying before going down - NEVER done that - and if he does sleep it's only 30 minutes and he wakes crying/mantra.  He's sick (cough/cold) and I think he's teething his 2 year molars otherwise he's been possessed by some demon.  :P

His dad also got laid off and has been home those days - that's really the only thing that is completely out of routine.  He skipped his nap entirely those first two days.  Since then it's been the weekend and I've been home and I've been able to get him to bed without crying but he wakes 30 minutes later.  Not sure what is going on...could he be giving up his naps??  I honestly don't think so, he usually does pretty well during the week with my mom (same house).  On those days when he skips I put him to bed at 6pm and he passes right out - usually, the last few months it's been taking him an hour to fall asleep when I put him down at 7pm (I posted about that here as well).

I honestly don't know what it going on but it's like the second he wakes he wants out and he's never been that way unless he's had short naps.  Even mornings he's usually pretty good about comforting himself with his lovey but lately he'll wake early and whine/cry.  I'm at a complete loss.   ???

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Re: 27 month old - 30 min naps and crying awake from all sleeps?
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2010, 07:21:46 am »

could you post his recent routine please

he sounds OT and possibly has some teething or cold discomfort too - do you give any meds?


Offline Evilmena

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Re: 27 month old - 30 min naps and crying awake from all sleeps?
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2010, 12:27:04 pm »
Hi there,

here's his recent routine:

6:30am Wake (crying)
12pm Nap
12:30pm Wake
6pm Bed

He STTN but he seems to be having nightmares as I hear him cry out but then settle himself.  That routine is pretty standard, I've also tried putting him down a little later at 12:30pm but no matter happens it's still 1/2 hour nap.  This is just so unlike him...even when he does have 1/2 hour naps he doesn't generally act like this.  Some of the fits he's throwing are epic almost seizure like, growling and grabbing at his mouth.  He's been sick plenty since starting Montessori and he hasn't acted like this.  I was giving him Advil for a couple of days but yesterday didn't give him anything.  The Advil usually calms him down but even with that his naps were still short and moods terrible.

His usual routine is wake 6:30/7am, Nap 12:30pm, Wake anywhere from 1-2 hours, Bed 7pm (takes him an hour to fall asleep but he soothes quietly in his bed).  He almost sounds frightened when he wakes, calling out which is odd because he loves his crib, etc.

Offline Evilmena

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Re: 27 month old - 30 min naps and crying awake from all sleeps?
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2010, 19:41:27 pm »
Update, he woke without crying/whining this morning, seemed relatively good natured, had a 1+ hour nap and woke up happy again.  He's home alone with hubby and he said he seemed to be back to normal.  I'm wondering if the illness/teething 2 year molars caused this and then he got OT from skipping two consecutive days of naps and just wasn't able to catch up even though we were putting him to bed really early.  I'm just glad it was okay for hubby, he has NEVER been absolutely alone with him all day long!  lol