Hi Laura,
Thanks for the reply. She has porridge n fruit in the morning with milk in a sippy cup but has only just started to drink more than 1 mouthful of this. She eats well at breakfast time and has a snack soon after, then her 8oz bottle before her 1st nap. She sleeps 50 mins (at the moment - starting to reduce this and increase 'A' before but it's a slow process) She has her lunch solids about 1 hour 'ish' after she wakes up, if she doesn't eat a lot then a snack of yoghurt/cracker then another 8oz bottle before her 2nd nap. She sleeps 1.5 hour and again solids about 1 hour after wakeup (surely she is hungry by this time!!). No snack normally as a shorter 'A' before bed and will get sick if consumes too much in a short space of time due to reflux. Should I just drop the 2nd bottle cold turkey or gradually reduce the amount over a few days. She is an Angel baby and does tend to take a few days to get used to things.
Thanks for all your help.