We did pretty much the same as pps. Before age 1 milk (either breast milk or formula) is their main source of nutrition. Solids are really more for fun, experimenting with new tastes and textures, and learning that nutrition can come from more than milk, kwim? So you would follow EASY, using milk feeds as your E time and slotting solids in your A time, about 1h-1.5h after milk feeds. This way your lo is hungry enough to try the solids, but still is getting the bulk of their nutrition from milk.
Our daytime routine looked roughly like this:
7 bf
8 solids (started with breakfast when we first began solids at 5.5mo)
11 bf
1230 lunch (this was the last meal that we added, I don't think we did this until closer to 7mo)
3 bf
4/430 solids (added this meal around 6mo)
630/7 bf before bed