Hi there!
Just came back here to the forum after almost a year to share my experience on food allergy, skin problems and BF.
Thanks again for your answers a year ago when I was trying desperately to figure out what was the cause of our skin problems.
Starting from 5 months my daughter's skin turned reddish and coarse on cheeks, elbows, back and legs. Each month it got worse.
I was EBF-ing and therefore on a strict diet - eating just rice, boiled meat and some veggies for weeks. Imagine what a happy mood I was in ))
My diet and my baby's diet didn't change a thing. The only thing we did find out: my baby had a cow milk intolerence, but I didn't drink any milk or eat any dairy products (just rice and meat).
So at 8 moths most docters recommended stopping BF-ing, as it could be the reson for allergy and skin problems. Evidently there was no other options left to choose from!
At this point I asked for advice here and was warned against stopping BF-ing, at least waiting for some time.
By that time, at DD's 9 months exactly, I was really tired and confused. I was trying hard to eliminate the allergy trigger, but I didn't find it.
At this point I stated eating almost everyting (except for dairy products), still breastfeeding and offering some food from my plate to the baby (self-weaing).
And suddenly things changed.
I don't know, maybe she just matured, or teeting took a pause, or we got some vitamins finally, but her skin was getting better and better.
She had 4 theeth by that time. After another month skin got red again, and these time I knew it was due to teething. It lasted for a month and then disappeared again. And this happened every time with teething from there on.
It turne out she had no other reactions to teething - no temperature, no colds. Our specific reaction was - "skin allergy", which was not a real allergy in fact.
My message is - to those who may face the same - there is a chance that your child's skin problems can be a teething issue, as it was in our case. And it can last for some time, for several months even, and if so it's not a food issue.
Good luck and hugs to all of you!!