
When did your LO use a sippy cup exclusively for beverages

12 mths or less
9 (40.9%)
~15 mths
9 (40.9%)
~18 mths
2 (9.1%)
~24 mths
1 (4.5%)
25 mths+
1 (4.5%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Author Topic: Poll: When did LO use a sippy cup exclusively?  (Read 3085 times)

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Re: Poll: When did LO use a sippy cup exclusively?
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2010, 12:46:20 pm »
My ds has never taken a bottle! He was exclusively BF and we recently discovered he's allergic to cow's milk. So he's always had water in a cup since around 6months. But it was a fight to get him to take it. I started by just offering sips with his lunchtime and gradually built it up.

We have recently been weaning him onto Soya in a cup. He now takes a cup in the morning and afternoon and BF for evenings.