Hi Wendy
Alex is almost 19mo and we have gone through the exact same things as you! Here's my take on it: (much is the same as Mashi)
1) Regurgitation - he will chew a bunch of food and then push it out. He often finds it again and eats it - eww. Or he will just chew and push it out. Chew and push it out. Sometimes just not swallowing
Alex does this when either a. he decides he can't be bothered to chew it any more as his limited teeth are just not doing enough (usually meat) or b. he suddenly spots something he would rather eat more (eg mummy gets a yoghurt out the fridge too quickly:

He has just cut 2a molar and seems to be doing this less so am hoping more teeth will help him chew better
2) Too much at once - he will cram a whole bunch of food in his mouth and then do the above. It doesn't seem to matter if we put less on his tray, whatever is on his tray he will cram.
Oh yeah, all the time. I tried Mashi's way of giving him bigger bits he should bite, but then he just crams that whole thing in instead. It's actually quite amazing just how much such a small person can fit in one mouth. Like minimashi, he is starting to understand when I say finish what's in your mouth, but at 13mo I used to just give him a couple bits at a time, and just top up the plate as he swallowed. A pain, because mealtimes took forever, but if he crammed too much in back then, he would then chew it for like a week and then just end up spitting it out, see point 1)...
3) Food on the floor - if he doesn't like something on his tray, he will carefully put it on the floor. For example, the other day I made him scrambled eggs. He spent a good part of the lunchtime examining each bit of egg and then casually dropping it on the floor. And continued to do this until all the egg was off his tray. He did the same with butternut squash last night - he put it in his mouth, pushed it back out again then dropped it off the side of his tray onto the floor. Then continued this until all of the orange bits were on the floor. Cat ate them - eww.
Alex still does this sometimes, although not as much as he used to. Used to be worse with new foods, he would pick it up and then drop it like it was the most disgusting thing ever- that's before he'd even tasted it. Got around that by putting one piece on a fork and leaving it for him to feed himself- apparently, forks are really exciting

and that made it a cert he would actually then eat at least one piece- that then usually leads to him deciding it's nice and eating another. Since I've been doing that the dropping is definitely waning.
Usually for us if he throws it, it's when he's full- he picks each piece of food up and actually flings it away- at that point I take the plate away and tell him if he's had enough then mummy will put the plate back (he likes the word "back" as he can say it) and I show him putting the fork/ spoon back on the plate and take it to the sink. He's getting the hang of it well and now hands me the plate saying "back" and then when I move away he waves his fork and shouts "back! back!" until I go back so he can put the fork on the plate. But it's taken till now to get there. I think when he was Finn's age I did a lot of ignoring of this, tbh.
4) No veg - he seems to be on strike with the vegetables. Any veg that goes on his tray invariably ends up on the floor. He will try it, that I will give him, but then out it comes and on the floor. He's all about carbs and protein (meat) - he looooves the meat. I've tried beans, peas, carrots, butternut squash, sweet potato, regular potato, broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce - he don't like any of it.
Alex loves veg, he always eats it first, but he won't really eat meat. Again, I think it's largely due to lack of teeth as Sophie was the same at this age, now she's a total carnivore. I keep offering and also use the fork technique, see 3)
5) No spoon - he is completely off spoon feeding with the exception of yogurt and applesauce. You try anything else on a spoon and forget it. He won't use the spoon himself either. Is this just the in between phase? Although this morning he took beans from a small plastic fork. Interesting
Both of mine started to refuse the spoon at this age, although neither of them could feed themselves with a spoon yet. Handy, huh? Just do everything as much as you can in finger pieces, so no sloppy foods, have a spoon there for him to try to practise with if he wants, and remember, forks are exciting!
