Wendy - we have an issue with cramming food into the mouht so we just put a small amount of food on his tray, he crams it in, we wait till hes finished and put the next lot in.
with throwing the food to the floor I say to him "if you dont want that then put it in Mummys hand" and he does, this does often result in the whole meal being in my hand but ive learnt that if it looks that way then i just take the whole plate away as i see he is done and I say "ok, I can see you dont want any of that now, Mumma will take it away and you can get down fromthe table"
If he throws it on the floor i say "No, put it in my hand, not on the floor" if he continues to throw on the floor i remove the plate out of reach and try to feed him myself, if thats a no go then its dinnertime over.
We arent getting much eating done wiht him at the moment as hes also doing the whole "I dont want a spoon but i cant use one yet either" however i was brave this morning and got three more mouthfuls of oats into him by letting him "try" and feed himself wiht the spoon, before he decided to start throwing it around, i decided he had eaten enough so i didnt bother wiht any other techniques and just tookhim down fr4om the table