I keep stealing other peoples' posts so thought I should make my own one!

DS has been referred to the dietician for a possible cows milk intolerence (which I also have). Since the appointment was made (and we have cut out cows milk) we are starting to try to figure out other food intolerences. DS has ear infections and was only having breastmilk for a week (and food, but no other milks) and it was the first time in months and months he had a clear nose. The morning after giving him cows milk again for dinner lead to more snotty noses, confirming my query about the intolerence (although not been medically confirmed yet).
Anyway, since then DS has still been having problems with his nappies - I can't remember that last time (Apart from 1 the other morning) he had normally formed poos, and he often has a red rash where the poo has touched his skin. Although not diarrhoea the poo ranges from being a bit squidgy (but able to come off the nappy to be flushed, as he wears washable nappies) to being stuck to the nappy

I have been keeping a food diary to help pinpoint what it could be - he has always reacted badly to orange juice (through my milk)and carrots. So far we have eliminated fruit juice(no matter how diluted), soya milk, possibly eggs (he wouldnt eat them after a sickness bug when he was much younger and the first time we tried again recently he had spots on his face the next morning - maybe a cooincidence) and are now wondering about wheat ...
He is gaining weight well and is really active and sleeps well, so I am not concerned in that way. He eats like a horse and would eat all day and night, given the chance - just like his dad!!! It's just a question of finding the right foods to feed him that don't upset his insides!
I know that it could be so many things but was just wondering if anyone else has been to the dietician and what they actually do. Can they arrange for allergy tests, etc (and if so, how long does this take, etc) and how often generally do you get to see them? I would just like to be prepared as much as I can so that we get the best use out of her/his time. Also, someone mentioned that if you get a diagnosis you can get vouchers to help buy speciality foods - can the dietician help with this?
For the last week I have been keeping a food/BM diary to take with us, and a note of what foods seem to irriate him.