Author Topic: 9 month old doesn't want BM from breast or bottle...what to do???  (Read 1598 times)

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my son is 9 months now, he is a really good eater, but I think b/c he eats well and loves eating he's losing interest in milk. I am still either pumping and feeding it to him in bottles or feeding him direclty some feeds. but either one he's starting to spit out just after a few minutes of sucking, and he's maybe getting 400-500 ml a day...some days even less. what should I do?  ??? should I not feed him solids and insist on BM? I am concerned that he's not getting the BM that he still needs right now...any advice would be appreciated! Thanks! :)

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Re: 9 month old doesn't want BM from breast or bottle...what to do???
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2010, 03:23:48 am »
What does your EASY look like for feeds? Are you offering solids before or after bm?

Without actually seeing your EASY or knowing how much he eats for solids, I would be tempted to cut back on the quantity of solids to increase the milk (not cut out, just cut back). My ds had really cut back on his bfing when I introducted a 2nd solids meal so I actually went back to counting wet diapers and had to cut out the 2nd meal until my supply came back up and he started bfing better.
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Offline marblelicious

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Re: 9 month old doesn't want BM from breast or bottle...what to do???
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2010, 03:55:45 am »
here's his EASY:

7:00 wake and BM
8:00 solids with milk on aside (~60 ml)
10:00-10:30 go down for AM nap
11:00-11:30 wake up and BM
12:30 - solids with milk on aside  (~60 ml)
2:30 - BM & down for nap
4:30 - wake
5:00 - BM & small snack
6:00 - solids with milk on aside  (~60 ml)
7:00 - bath
7:30 - BM
7:45 - 8:00 down for the night

each of his solids meal he can eat 1/3 to 1/2 cup of mushed food.

lately I keep having to feed him more frequently b/c he's taking such a small amount each time. I don't think it's a good thing but b/c I am afraid that he's not getting enough BM I just keep trying to give it to him.

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Re: 9 month old doesn't want BM from breast or bottle...what to do???
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2010, 02:01:07 am »
How do you know what he's getting in terms of quantity for bfing? Is it always a bottle and you're able to measure? Maybe he's getting enough from bfing but bfing a short time as he's efficient at the breast?

If you are concerned about wanting him to take in more bm, I would try to offer the solids closer to the bf, then he will eat less solids and hopefully take in more at the next bf. With my ds (actually, I did this with my dd too) I offer the solids 30 mins after the bf, that way he will take a good bf in at the next meal.

If you offer less, what happens? Would he be willing to top up with bm or would he just fuss too much? Also, have you ruled out teething or anything that might make him resist?

From your EASY, when you say "milk on the side 60 ml", is this additional milk on top of the solids you are giving? If so, this might be filling him too much for the next bf. I would be tempted to not add this, instead see if he takes a better bf the next time.

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Re: 9 month old doesn't want BM from breast or bottle...what to do???
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2010, 04:55:51 am »
Hmmm...I just went through a similar thing.
About 7weeks ago my DS started to refuse the bottle, I put it down to teething, then when the first teeth camethrough he was eating solids but stillnot wanting milk, he drank water fine though.
Then he had an ear infection alongside teething so I assumed once the antibiotics kicked in he'd be back to normal..NOPE!
So basically one out of 4 milk bottles offered he would take maybe 1/2 (120mils).
This went on for 7weeks...I tried reducing solids, changing formula, changing bottles and teats, distraction, delaying feeds, delaying solids etc etc etc! I tried EVERYTHING!
So I added milk to all solids plus added grated cheese and in one of his solid meals I pureed chicken. He was getting water fine. I started to count calories rather than milk, because he just point blank didn't want to know...
Now 7weeks later out of no where he has started to drink his milk again!
I do know when I kept offering his bottle it seemed to get him more and more upset, i think this made him want to refuse the bottle more...Could offering your LO BF freaquently being doing this too?
My DS is very big at 11 1/2 kg's in size1-2 clothes, I was told besides the teething and ear infection he could have had a growth plateau. Could this be a possibility?
Sorry I can't be of more help, I just wanted to add that I went through a similar thing for quite some time and eventually all has settled down...