Author Topic: 7.5 mo old nap troubles  (Read 2131 times)

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Offline kidmak

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Re: 7.5 mo old nap troubles
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2010, 19:56:38 pm »
Well, I haven't gotten very far in my qwest to extend these naps. I won't say I have given up, but, I have given up stressing too much about it. When DH is in charge, he tends to put him down early (like 3hr 20min), when I am in charge I have been at about 3hr35-40min. Either one results in a 1hr10-20min nap. The afternoon nap, is still a mystery and still a short nap. I can't seem to get the timing right at all. But, we just plan the rest of the evening based on what that nap was like. Sometimes, but rarely we can apop a cat nap late in the afternoon so he isn't ot and going to bed so early.

One thing I have noticed over the last few days as we have been running many errands is, he is falling asleep easily in the car and alot earlier than I would expect. In the past, he has stayed awake even when we were sure he would crash. I don't know if this is just due to boredom, the lull of the car, or maybe I shouldn't be going for it so late. Today, he had a EW, 6:45...not too bad...and was falling asleep in the car by 8:45. He slept for about a half hr between the car and the stroller, and then was back down for his nap at 11:40. I didn't quite know what to expect, but he has been down for just about 1hr 15min now and unfortunately, I will have to wake him in a few to go get my daughter from the bus stop. Maybe I will back off on the wake time and just see what happens.

Clueless as always! Do you know what the standard practice is for eating once they are having A's of almost 4hrs. Is it BF, solids, and then a snack closer to nap? That is kind of what I have started doing. Just curious. And at what point do you wean down to just 3 nursings in the daytime? I know this is the wrong board for those ?'s, but thought I would ask while I was here.


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Re: 7.5 mo old nap troubles
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2010, 15:14:03 pm »
hmm...sorry to hear things are still a little sticky   :-\  I'm finding with my LO that I really need to experiment with the As, as he is liking them to be different lengths now.  So for us, he is doing 1st A of 3h25, 2nd A of 3h20 and we are toying with the 3rd to see what he likes.  It might just take a little more tweaking to get that 2nd nap on target.  What is the typical length of the 2nd nap?  Does he wake generally happy or does he seem to be tired?

Our feed schedule is now looking something like this:

Awake @ 6:30
E - 7:30
A -
S - 9:55

E - 11:25
A -
S - 2:45 (often I will BF one side before the nap and the other side after he wakes)

E - 4:15
A -
S - 7:15ish (tank up before bed)

What you are doing re: BF, solids and snack before nap could work just fine.  I know some moms who are doing that and it works well.  Not sure yet when they transition to 3 feeds, but looking into it on BF forum.  I would imagine it would be as they approach 1 year.

HTH and keep me posted!

Offline kidmak

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Re: 7.5 mo old nap troubles
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2010, 20:39:04 pm »
Ok, so we are in the midst of a GOOD nap FINALLY! So far 1hr 45 min. We were so close to a wake time of almost 4hrs, that I took an idea from you, and I nursed on one side, then finished his wind down. So far so good!

I have been working more on night sleep and worrying less about day sleep. He is getting closer to a 7hr stretch at night. Admittedly, we have used some controlled crying, after reducing his time spent nursing each night by a minute until it was down to 4 min, then we cut it out. I can't be a functional human with this interrupted sleep any more.

I am assuming that with one really good nap of 2hrs, that the afternoon nap would be pretty short, otherwise the day would get long. That is what we will continue to aim for. 2hr naps are just the best. It is a great amount of time to get something accomplished, and have a little time for myself. Baby will wake happy and mama will be happy too!!!

Generally, he can be pretty happy even after a short nap. But, it is harder to figure out the right A time after. And by the end of the day he is exhausted! Some days are better than others of course.

Well, he is almost at the 2hr mark, so I better run....take care