Not sure if this should be on this board or discipline/socialisation?
For the last few days DS has been making himself gag by putting his fingers down his throat

. He's just had breakfast and made himsefl gag about ten times, and I'm not really sure what to do

. I've not been making a big deal about it - I've told him a couple of times it's not good to do it, but I've pretty much just carried on as normal and not focussed on it (I don't want to make it a bigger deal as I know he will do it more

and I don't want it to spiral into something worse). He enjoys food, feeds himself, so I know it's not because of a power struggle/wanting to get out of hunch is that he's just 'discovered' he can do it, and now keeps doing it. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, and how did you handle it/how long did it go on for?
Thank you xx