My LO is 1 yr now. Currently he has a bottle of milk (hopefully one day sippy) after his bath in his PJ's, we brush teeth, read book and off to bed we go.
However, because he drinks 8 oz, I find he is very wet in the morning. He will leak through a disposable and if I use cloth diapers, his bum is super wet.
I'm contemplating moving this evening bottle to just before the bath. This way he has a chance to pee before I put him in his diaper for night. However, I feel I might be disturbing his bedtime routine. In the long run, is this better though? Eventually do Lo's have milk earlier in the evening? I figure one you start potty training, 8oz right before bed would not be a good idea!
Just curious when others give the last bottle/cup of milk? And if anyone else has a heavy wetter problem like me.