I think Cherie has hit the nail on the head.
And no, I wouldn't let my kids walk around town naked - but inside the house, with the curtains drawn, it's not something I stress about. If the social situation calls for something else, so be it, but the behavior itself, eh, I have bigger fish to fry. They're dressed in public and if not unfailingly polite at least not (usually

) overtly rude

, and while I have to keep them from playing hopscotch on the floor tiles at Whole Foods (which already has limited room for shoppers and carts

), they can do it at home to their hearts' content. But I'm not gonna stop them dancing naked in the house (or the backyard, come to that - we have a fence!

. In other words, while this or that might not be OK in this or that context, if there IS a place to do it safely, I let 'em do it - and home is about as "safe" as it gets.
I guess I probably read too much into the way I read your DH's "raised eyebrow" disapproval. Didn't mean to imply that your DH doesn't love Mini-Mashi unconditionally, and sorry if it came across that way. But so far, nothing you've described about him here raises a red flag for me, and I have knee-jerk red-flag reactions a lot what with Josie's issues.
It's really hard when you're in a situation with limited social contact. With my kids and their energy and desire to explore, especially Nat's, I would have no choice but to get out there and if not mix and mingle with the Germans (it's my ancestral background, but personality-wise I'm as far from most of the native Germans I know IN Germany - Steggi excluded, of course!

- that THEY avoid ME! LOL), then seek out the expats just for my own sanity. But then again I'm double-teamed and outnumbered with two kids; things would be different if I had just the one, I'm sure!