Author Topic: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not?! (Another one, top of p3)  (Read 16859 times)

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not?! (Another one, top of p3)
« Reply #60 on: April 23, 2010, 16:29:22 pm »
Tell your DH once he's TALLER he'll notice a lot more things that he doesn't notice PEOPLE in the driver's seats of ALL cars LOL. :) So some of quirks will go by the wayside as he becomes more and more a little person and less and less a baby/toddler. hehehe :)

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not?! (Another one, top of p3)
« Reply #61 on: April 23, 2010, 16:43:06 pm »
No time to read the other posts - by DS is 15 months old and every day when we go to my room for me to get dressed he goes and sits in our wardrobe too - I think they like the safe, enclosed space ... I think it is really cute.  If they are still doing it when they are teenagers it may be time to worry ???
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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not?! (Another one, top of p3)
« Reply #62 on: April 25, 2010, 03:31:21 am »
oh this thread has made me laugh.  thanks ladies.

i also think he sounds adorable and has quite an imagination.  dd1 does a lot of the things you have described - she loves to sit in cubboards and dark places with or without a flashlight.  loves forts too.  she will tuck anything into bed and demand it goes to sleep, most often her dolls, but inanimate objects like all the spoons from the drawer, remote control (shhh it's sleeping, don't make noise)  or her whisks (which were her favorite thing for about a month, she carted them everywhere and even slept with them, yes i mean kitchen whisks), shovels from a sand play kit she got are also a favorite to put to sleep.  she has also hugged and kissed our car, not all cars, but ours she will.  she talks to all animals and most things like they understand what she's saying and will get upset if they don't do what she tells them to do (she's a bit bossy...girl trait) - so if she demands that the squirrel come here so she can pet it but it doesn't she will get upset.

we were out in the garden the other day and she was pretending and said oh yes the birds are going to carry us away and save us...i think she actually believes some of this.  she watches a bit of tv, especially dora.  in these shows all the animals and a lot of objects (cars, planes etc) talk, have faces and act like people.  she probably does think the birds will save her, and the cars are alive, they do on dora so why not in life. 

anyway, i think it's normal toddler behavior, he has a great imagination that most adults suppress and is just learning about his world around him.  i would encourage it. 



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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not?! (Another one, top of p3)
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2010, 16:50:31 pm »
I was very tempted to take a pic of Ellie half in the closet this am and post it Mashi. She can't fully shut the doors as we have internal drawers! But it's not just mimi-mashi!
Ziggy Sleep well xxx