Author Topic: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not?! (Another one, top of p3)  (Read 16880 times)

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2010, 17:24:54 pm »
Doesn't sound odd at all. I think it is creative for him. He is exploring and discovering new things.  Madi loves our walk in closet. She will go in there, close the door and talk to herself.
I am sure the novelty will wear off.

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2010, 17:47:36 pm »
Doesn't sound weird at all to me, either! I wish I could get H to do that!!!! But he does like to go in our walk in closet and close the door (he's into the open the door, close the door game!  ::) ) And does the same think in the bathroom...closes the door to the shower/toilet room while I'm in the vanity area. Never gets into trouble, but just sits in there! 

I think pps are hitting the nail on the head with he's learning and exploring!!  Foster that!!!  And if your DH has an issue with it then have him build forts with him!

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2010, 18:12:57 pm »
Are you kidding? a quiet activity that keeps him entertained for long periods of time? I would ENCOURAGE closet time!!!

I had to laugh at this because that is exactly how I feel!  he wants to play in the closet and I'm like WHOOOOO HOOOOO, off to BW for twenty minutes!!  ;D  I personally have no problem with it - as all of you have said, he's having fun, doing something interesting to him (who knows why it is interesting but hey if he likes it why care?) He likes opening and closing the door (it slides) and sitting in his little "fort" -- yes DH makes lots of forts with him, most every night really, using a variety of things (quite often the clothes maiden with bedsheets hung on it in the living room and he will just sit in there doing NOTHING for ages.  If DH does not mind this why does the closet bother him so much?  ???   Kids like small spaces - Nicole I love that Ava likes going into the kitchen cupboard, soooo cute!  No idea why it bothers DH though? I think he just thinks it is strange and anti social?

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But then it sounds from other posts that Mini-mashi finds something he wants to do and then becomes fixated/determined about it, and that is just part of his character.

Um, do you know my child or what?!  Yes yes yes, everything with intensity - exactly like his father, so again I ask, what's the problem! ::) 

I suspect that one of the reasons he likes it is because the first time he went in I probably said something like "Oy, you little stinker what are you doing in mommy's closet!?" and laughed and went and tickled him in there which to him meant "hey this is something funny" and now can't drop it. He's like something once and have fun with it and you are FOREVER having to do it again. And again. And again.....

Little stinker!

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2010, 19:02:07 pm »
I wrote a whole post earlier and got error message and lost it!

But long post, short, DD spends ALOT of time on and off sitting behind the curtains in my room!  I used to think it was so weird but did cherish the quiet time!!  Now she's speaking pretty well I can ask her what she's doing.  One day this week she said 'looking at shadows' and another said 'relaxing'!!  Can't really argue with that!!  May not make sense to us but I'm pretty sure in their toddler minds it makes perfect sense!!

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2010, 19:49:43 pm »

no not strange at all, my ds like to get in the drawers under my bed :-\, he is forever pulling all the spare towels and bedding out and climbing in, he also every night un buttons the duvet cover and gets in it like a sleeping bag, then i have to rescue him because he can't find his way out.................. i could go on but then you will all know how daft my ds really is :D
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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2010, 19:50:52 pm »
our guys love the closet too.....loved it before they had flashlights, then got diego and dora flashlights with ends on them that make images on the wall and now the closet is a crazy fun place!  they beg to go in :):)  

totally normal i say!

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2010, 19:53:21 pm »
Ooh - I'm going to start leaving my wardrobe door open to encourage DS in!!

Interestingly I'm very envious of my friends who have just redone their bedroom.  There was a built in wardrode that they have fitted another over the front of so that there is a little passage and then an open area behind some clothes completely hidden from the outside - my friend jokes that it's like Narnia!!  I'd love something like that just the idea of a 'secret' place.

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2010, 20:18:48 pm »
I used to sit in a cupboard in my dad's office, as much as I could.  I must have been a little older than your DS, because I remember it well.  It was warm and quiet, two things I still enjoy today (although there's no cupboard big enough anymore ;) )  And I'm perhaps the most normal person I know (if a bit boring! ::) )
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2010, 20:31:16 pm »
I'm with you there - time to start leaving the door open too - it might give a few minutes relief from the boys bashing each other if one of them went and threw out my shoes and closed the door on them.

On the other hand... perhaps I should go and hide in it instead.... ;)

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2010, 21:23:36 pm »
Careful, Alex - with two of them, one could shut the other one in against his will.

Can anyone guess how I happen to know this little tidbit? ::)

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2010, 21:37:46 pm »
LOL Deb!

Come over to the Dark Side, we have popcorn.

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2010, 22:25:05 pm »
My DH and his younger brother did play the "Let's see who can slam the closet door the hardest" game when they were younger. His brother who was about 2 or so at the time got his finger slammed in the door and had to have the tip sewn back on. DH ran downstairs to his mom and simple said "Mom....I think Jamie's hurt." while his brother was wailing upstairs.

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2010, 05:53:59 am »
From your DH's perspective it might seem weird, but not from a toddler's perspective.  Sounds like he's enjoying it!
mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2010, 08:55:22 am »
I just wanted to come and tell you Ellie's new thing Mashi. She now has to watch ice age while sitting on a dining chair right up to the telly (we have huge histerics if it's moved) whilst wearing her winter bobble hat!

So no, DS is not weird! Beginning to think Ellie is though :P
Ziggy Sleep well xxx

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Re: OK, so is my toddler a bit odd, or not? !!
« Reply #29 on: April 22, 2010, 09:55:17 am »
LOL Faye!!

While I have everyone's attention, I remembered the other one DH wanted me to ask about.

So he is car obsessed, of course, but he makes his cars kiss.  ::)  Like puts the front ends together and then makes a kiss noise, like a girl would do with her dolls, kwim?  Dh thinks I should be discouraging this.  Sigh.  Yes my DH has issues.   DS also feeds his cars. The front end is apparently where the mouth is (headlights would be eyes I suppose) and he shares his snacks and dinner with them, offering them bites and drinks and so on. Used to share with his stuffed animals but they're on a diet apparently.   At the playground he uses his shovel to offer scoops of sand to the cars to eat, he smacks his lips when he does it, similar to how a parent would do when feeding a baby.

Again DH thinks this is odd, weird, we should not be encouraging it, but distracting him when he does it and so on.  I think my DH is nuts. 

Opinions on who is the crazy one here are DS for feeding his cars/making them kiss?  My Dh for not liking it and making an issue of it? Or me (who meeeeeeeeee??) for thinking it's all fine and normal and not giving a toss.  (No offense will be taken from your choice!!!)