Author Topic: what does your 18 month old like to do???  (Read 3753 times)

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Offline *Becky*

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what does your 18 month old like to do???
« on: April 16, 2010, 11:55:57 am »
DS loves the outdoors in a big way and just wants to put on his boots and go outside as soon as he gets up  :P
He has a ride on toy and a mini lawn mower which is the current love of his life!!!
We have never had that many toys for him as tbh until recently he was just not bothered by them at all and would rather get into the cupboards, brush the floor, wash his hands in the sink etc etc.
Just wondering what toys your lo's like and their current faves as need a little inspiration for some indoor stuff.
Thanks :)

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Re: what does your 18 month old like to do???
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2010, 12:18:37 pm »
oooh a mini lawn mower....sounds fab  :D

ds loves his toy mop and broom, his little buggy (this is his absolute favourite - £8 from ELC and the best money we've spent!!), little toy cars and buses and a mat with roads on it. 



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Re: what does your 18 month old like to do???
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2010, 17:28:21 pm »
Madi is one month away from being 18months but ATM she loves water. Put water in a bucket and she will splash and splash. She also loves looking at pictures of babies.

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Re: what does your 18 month old like to do???
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2010, 18:24:23 pm »
Alex loves anything cars/ vehicles, loves anything from the Fisher Price Little People range, is currently very into animals of all kinds and also is obsessed with sweeping!

Claire- can you post a link to or a pic of the buggy from ELC? ta


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Re: what does your 18 month old like to do???
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2010, 18:30:45 pm »
T can find amusement with anything.   ::)  Being outside is obviously his fave and he could spend all day in the park picking up sticks and pinecones!  But if we have to stay indoors, right now a bag of crayons will keep him occupied for a long time.  Seriously, he doesn't even colour with them, just likes to take them out and put them back, organize them, sort them, hoard them, hide them.  It's very cute, just gotta watch or else he ends up colouring on the walls and windows!  :P
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Re: what does your 18 month old like to do???
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2010, 18:39:05 pm »
Cars, tractors, and vehicles of any type  ;D. LOVES them.

Reading books, cleaning, emptying the dishwasher.

Just getting the hang of crafty things but he will only do it for a very short period of time - so 5-10 mins max. Does ask to get colouring, painting, pay dough etc out a lot though but it doesn't last long so is a lot of mess for a short period of time.

J is also really into duplo - I know a lot of LOs at this age aren't yet though - he builds cars and towers from a basic set and calls them all 'robots'.

Likes playing with flashcards or matching cards as well (you know - like packs of snap cards for older kids). He likes to find ones he likes the look off and then look for one the same, or sign what they are etc. Often just walks around showing them to people or making a mess with them as well.


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Re: what does your 18 month old like to do???
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2010, 18:46:53 pm »

Of course rather than a doll, Ben tends to put a bus, car and toothbrush in there  ::) :D


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Re: what does your 18 month old like to do???
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2010, 11:35:28 am »
B loves to mess up everything, honestly his absolute favorite is to try out sides of toys that are not meant to be played with e.g turning up side down thing and sit stand on it, than turning them on the side an sit/stand on it, tries to dissamble thing with his craft kit.
MartinaRae, my DS does exactly the same thing with crayons' It is funny. plus he seems to enjoy drawing better when standing.I covered one part of the wall with paper and he stands there for quite a while and draws lines.
he is in love with keys, it does lead to tantrum sometimes like when he wants to get the car key when I am driving the car :) but he also has his own set of keys and loves them

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Re: what does your 18 month old like to do???
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2010, 11:41:07 am »
Nearing 21 months here but not much has really changed in terms of activities in the last 2-3 months so am chiming in...

Ditto on the Fisher Price Little People sets. They are expensive here in Germany (ie/ the car garage is $45 Canadian versus 55 Euros here which is $75 Canadian!!) but worth EVERY penny.  We have the garage, the farm, Noah's Ark, and the town and each one gets HOURS of play.  Would not know which one to pick as the #1, probably the garage, but only because that one he can do totally on his own driving the cars up and putting them down the ramps, while the farm and town and arc he needs someone to play with him if it is going to be fun. But, will still use the others for shorter times on his own if i get it set up and show him something to play but he does get bored quickly without me or DH with him.

Anything vehicles -- he now has so many little cars (matchbox ones, iykwim) that we have a huge bucket filled with them and sometimes he will just sit and go through them one by one and examine each one before reaching in and getting probably 30-60 minutes each day is spent with his cars.

Arty stuff - he has been into playdoh recently but really needs guidance with it. I help him roll it out and he uses the cookie cutters to make shapes he knows (animals, cars, etc) and then squishes them again.  Probably only 10-15 minute spells at once, but he asks for it every day.  Same with crayons, he asks to get them out every day but only spends a few minutes at a time scribbling.  About once a week we get out all of the week's flyers (there are an absurd number of advertisement flyers here, like every week a stack about 1-2 inches thick not joking!) and we go through them and cut out things that he likes and he glues them on to a paper and we stick it on the fridge. Takes an hour or so and he's really into it!

Plastic animals - sets of zoo animals or farm animals. Similar to the cars, he just likes to look through them and sort them, put them in his farm (yes our farm has monkeys, zebras and elephants as well as race cars and its very own postbox, LOL).  

Toy kitchen - with plastic food and a teaset and all of the dishes. He sets up tea parties for his stuffed animals and cooks things for them

He loves playing in the kitchen sink, standing on his chair and using my cups and plastic tubs and things.  Hours!  

Aside from that DS is also an outdoors boy and we do spend a lot of time out and about so when we do come home he generally is happy to run straight to his toys and play on his own for a good stretch, aside from rainy days when he is bored stiff!!
« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 11:46:35 am by mashimaro »

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Re: what does your 18 month old like to do???
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2010, 23:31:42 pm »
We just picked this up for Finn today:

He loooooves it.  Kept him entertained for a long time...and he's only 13 mths.

I can just see him in a few months really zooming around with it.

Would work well outdoors I imagine.
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Offline katie80

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Re: what does your 18 month old like to do???
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2010, 17:40:14 pm »
My LO is the same as many others:  Cars, Little People, Crayons (Washable Markers actually; she loves to just pull the caps off and put them back on, but will draw a bit too), etc., etc.

But the one toy that has been a favorite and stuck around for a long time (since her first birthday) is Melissa and Doug stacking/nesting blocks.  She loves to stack them, knock them down, and point out different things on each block.  They stack pretty high, which is fun.  We also do some practicing counting as we stack (there are 10) and sing the alphabet with them.  They are great!  And they all nest together in a bigger box which has a string handle, so she can also carry them with her.

Don't know if I will get the link right, but I'll try. 

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Re: what does your 18 month old like to do???
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2010, 02:05:07 am »
As I walked around the house today, I thought of a couple more to add.  DD likes to draw on a magnetic doodle board.  We have two sizes, one for home and one for the car.  We also brought it with us on a plane trip when she was 17 mo and it was her favorite thing (it was new at the time though, so that helped).  There are also bigger ones with magnetic shapes.

A new favorite is the Leapfrog Fridge Magnetic toys.  She's played with them several times at her cousins' house, so I got her one of her own.  We have the Farm set, as she loves animals and animal sounds.  She has played with it a lot and it gives her something to do in the kitchen with me (besides all the pots and pans and tupperware of course).  I plan on getting the letter set for her second birthday.

Here they are on amazon:

Offline *Becky*

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Re: what does your 18 month old like to do???
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2010, 11:12:02 am »
wow - thanks. There are some great ideas here! We def do not have enough stuff for him now so will work on these ideas. x

Henry James and Martha Rose - my spirited pair!