Author Topic: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)  (Read 15582 times)

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2010, 07:09:10 am »
What's the deal with vegetable gum? Why can't you eat that?
Jenny - mama to

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2010, 09:42:12 am »
vegetable gum is a soy product. will look for that mayo.

OMG i made the coconut milk/jelly crystals ice-cream, sooooo yummy, i'm going to go and have another. that was your recipe wasnt it edesanja??

Offline EloysH

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2010, 10:12:06 am »
Kirry, your lunch sounds lovely!

When we have been gluten free for a while, we can trial very low gluten containing wheat such as  Spelt and Kamut grains and see how they go.  My baker makes sourdough spelt, so that will be yeast free too -  I personally think yeast is a problem for Kai as it causes fermentation of the gut. Anyway these grains apparantly ( I am quoting from my osteopath)  are ancient and not genetically modified and contain about 4% gluten, where as the genetically modified crap in most breads is 18% gluten.  He thinks thats why so many people these days have a problem with as gluten, we are overloaded.

Did I mention sago pudding?  Cook sago in water, simmer till the grains go clear. stay with it stirring constantly otherwise they clump... strain and put in a bowl then add heated brown sugar and coconut milk  to taste. Add dessicated coconut and chopped mango on top.

If you can find it apparantly there is brand of gluten free bread called SOL which is very nice particularly the pumpkin bread.  I Have not seen it at woolies or coles, or my health food shop.  But its out there somewhere.

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2010, 11:17:45 am »
Cocnut milk white sauce - bascially you jsut replace the milk with coconut milk! If yo uare usign really thick stuff you might need to water it down a bit - hard to give directinos as all the brands are different.

I used to get a sourdough rice bread (from a company based in Sydney) that was actually pretty good made into toast - can't remember the name of it now though.
Ice cream made with coconut milk is really yummy too!

My LO never had a problem with soy lecithin or vegetable gum because the amounts were so small and it was so refined. Might be worth a try?

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2010, 11:36:43 am »
yeah Kirry I was thinking the same about the vegetable gum, put it at the top of the list for first things to try once you are confident that you really are dairy, soy and gluten free.

Offline huntersmummyinoz

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2010, 12:08:55 pm »
paed wants me to trial soy soon in a reasonable amount to see if there is a reaction, and if all good then 2 weeks later trial cow's milk again. if not good, then exclude all for a few weeks again and start with low level soy like lecithin and veg gum etc. tbh i feel he thinks i am overreacting with the food stuff but i've seen a definite difference, whether it is just cow's milk i need to exclude or more things i dont know. time will tell i guess, super scared about trying cow's milk again tho, that was a horrid 3 days last time! but paed thinks it could be that his med dose wasnt high enuf and it was just a reflux episode and we wont know until trialing again which makes sense i guess. would be nice if it's not and i can eat normal food again, certainly developing a whole new appreciation of food after all this!

to trial soy then, if i dont drink soy milk do i just have soy sauce or something?? would that be high enuf up the list to give a definitive result?

sago pudding sounds lovely, will look out for those breads too. i find i'm getting used to excluding dairy but the no bread thing is hard.

elo, i was also thinking yeast could be a prob here, i had a ginger beer on thurs and the next day was horrid.

is vegetable oil safe? as in can you assume that it's canola or sunflower or something and not a soy issue?

Offline MLK

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2010, 12:21:16 pm »
I just used olive oil in most things.

For the soy challenge, I tried the Asian style soy milk (tastes better than So good etc) and he had a worse reaction than to the milk! Same when a restaurant accidentally added soy sauce to a dish when I asked them not to.

TBH I would exclude everything for 2 weeks and START the soy challenge with things with soy lecithin in them. Try for 3 days then move onto the soy milk. At least if he reacts to the soy milk you might still be able to have the lecithin, like me. Soy lecithin is in so many things!

Offline Edesanja

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2010, 19:37:23 pm »
vegetable gum is a soy product. will look for that mayo.

OMG i made the coconut milk/jelly crystals ice-cream, sooooo yummy, i'm going to go and have another. that was your recipe wasnt it edesanja??

Interesting about the vegetable gum. With DD I only had to avoid dairy while feeding her, but once on solids she couldn't eat soy. I looked out for heaps of variations of soy, but have never even seen vegetable gum on ingredient lists!

Yip, that was my recipe. Good, huh?! It's the kind of recipe you still want to make even after you can eat dairy again!

Another yummy version of sago is this:

Lemon Sago
1 cup sago
3 cups water
juice and rind of 2 lemons
3 Tablespoons brown sugar
3 Tablespoons of golden syrup (don't know if you have this in Oz - in the US they'd probably use corn syrup)

Put sago and water in a pot, bring to the boil until thick and sago dissolving
Add lemon juice, sugar and syrup
Pour into wetted glasses
Refridgerate (although I really like it warm too)
Jenny - mama to

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2010, 21:37:33 pm »
I can't imagine why vegetable oil would be anything other than what you said, safe stuff.

 I am a bit rusty in the soy dept, however: - If you try soy sauce and are ok it doesn't mean that soy milk is ok. So trialling soy sauce on its own won't give a definitive answer, it will tell you that he doesn't have a severe or strong sensitivity to soy. But he might still react to the soy milk. So maybe start with the lower soy things first like soy sauce in one meal. If that's ok then try tofu a few days later, of that's ok then try the soy milk a few days later. If you try soy milk first and he has a reaction then you will have a horrid few days and then need to wait a week or two before to rid your system of the soy and thus a long delay before you can test again.  

 With Jarrah, I never got to the bottom of it for soy intolerance, soy sauce was fine, but I never tried tofu or soy milk.

Offline sherry lynn

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2010, 22:37:51 pm »
Wow, there are some really good ideas here :)

I found blood in Emory's stool today :( So I need to be really strict now with the milk and soy to see if that's all it is :(
It's Sunday here so I'll call the doc tomorrow.

DS#1: 30 Oct 2007
DS#2 19 Feb 2010

Offline huntersmummyinoz

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2010, 03:29:22 am »
woolworths FreeFrom Gluten Free Potato Chips (this i why i asked about veg oil tho, as these say sunflower or canola oil in brackets after veg oil - taste good but cost about twice as much as smith's plain chips but they only say veg oil, surely they'd have to state if it had soy in it??)
i'm only 1.5kg away from my pre-preg weight with all these diet restrictions but think it's going to creep back up with all the yummy substitutes i am finding :P

edesanja, adding lemon sago ingredients to my shopping list, sounds delicious. never bought sago before, can you buy it in supermarket or would i need a health food store? (and DH scoffed the rest of the jelly/coconut ice-cream so def a hit)

hugs sherry, thinking of you both :-*

lan and elo, thanks will try the lecithin first. is vegetable gum the other one that they are more likely to tolerate? if so i might trial each one, 3 days for each and then do the soy sauce or milk test.

Offline rinajack

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2010, 04:26:18 am »
Both my kids are wheat and dairy free (not gluten free, although often it is easier to use the gluten free products).  DS is also soy intolerant, but we only exclude major sources like milk/yoghurt.  He seems to be fine with soy IN products, including in home baking, and with nuttelex, so that intolerance is obviously much milder than the other two. I find normal recipes with the flour/butter/milk substitutes work best for us.

Here are some specific products from our cupboards right now....

Rice crackers - plain we eat with salsa, otherwise thai lime and coriander.  I think tomato and balsamic is also ok, but kids find it a bit hot due to the balsamic
Ogran outback animal biscuits
Ogran Itsy Bitsy bears biscuits
Leda Choculence (like tim tams)
Ogran corn crispbread
Eskal Deli Crackers
Sweet William dairy free chocolate
Aribars (like LCM bars)
Freedom foods muesli bars
Kidscare rice rounds
Cool pack popped corn (10 pack)-
IGA gluten free pizza base mix
GF SR flour and plain flour
Rice cakes
Freedom foods pancake mix
Melindas choc fudge brownie packet mix
Deliciously free mud cake mix
Ogran easy bake bread mix
Well and good cookie mix
Well and good muffin mix
Taco kits (only the proper tacos, not the soft ones)
Patties (frozen section coles) - lamingtons, sausage rolls, veggie sausage rolls, bread, fish bites, crumbed fish fillets, chicken nuggets.  This bread is the only gluten free one I have found that is also dairy free.
Go natural popcorn fruit bars
Minties/gummy bears/allens lollypops - all made with corn syrup instead of glucose, although a coeliac friend I have recently told me that wheat glucose is sufficiently removed from being wheat as to not have gluten in it (ie sooooo processed).

If you are working on it being intolerance, might I ask why gluten free rather than wheat free? Wheat is a more common intolerance than gluten (the top ones being wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, fish/seafood).  Generally gluten is the culprit when coeliac is involved (dd has been tested via endoscopy, DS will be tested later this year).  Because of this, they eat cornflakes and rice bubbles for breakfast.  But for snacks (they don't like them with milk) they also have cocoa bombs and honey rings (from gluten free section).

For all of the above products, I have to shop at IGA, woolworths AND coles - frustrating but well worth it.  IGA also has some popcorn, in family size chip bags, there is blue and green bags, the green backs are absolutely delicious - but I cannot remember the brand and we are out of these.

Rina - Mum to Zara 29/3/06
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Offline EloysH

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2010, 04:49:27 am »
Sherry: sorry to hear about the blood in his stools!

Rina: about the wheat -v- gluten I am not sure the difference, need to study it. Basically, we are trying to eliminate things that cause fermentation of the gut and promote the colic symptoms such as flatulence, loose squirting poos, green poos, intestinal spasm, irritability and pain of the abdomen.
So I have been advised to eat a low gluten, lactose and yeast diet.   I have been told that small amounts of gluten should be ok to try after a while like spelt bread and Kamut grains of bread.

So do you think the cause of fermentation is only the wheat or is it the gluten??????

    Kai first presented with a very fermentated gut, (colic) then it started seeming that it was reflux, so treating the lot.     Also eliminating dairy and soy for MSPI, as that is commonly found with reflux bubs and my DS1 had it.

The other factor I am working on is fermentation of the gut due to lactose overload - oversupply

Offline rinajack

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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2010, 05:04:28 am »
If you have been advised to go for low gluten diet, you should be fine to simply eliminate wheat.  Other products that are wheat free but not gluten free generally only contain "traces" of gluten - it is more about the processing plant and equipment being shared with products that contain gluten than about the product itself containing gluten iykwim.  It does open up a few more products for you, like rolled oats for porridge. (And homemade anzac biscuits LOL).  Just like if you eliminate milk proteins, you will automatically be on a low lactose cannot eliminate lactose from your child if you are BF - there is lactose in human breast milk also.

The colic symptoms you describe both my kids had as babies and we have never eliminated ALL gluten from either of them - those symptoms are typical of ALL intolerances in babies, regardless of the source of the intolerance.  In rarer cases, it can also present as constipation, which happened to my DD.  Also ear infections, always being "snuffly" with runny nose etc, and exzema. 

If you are BF, and there are "traces" of gluten in YOUR diet, then there will only be very very minute traces in your breast milk.  Just something for you to think about.  And since the amounts you will have in your diet will be few and far between, you will probably soon tell from simple observation.  FWIW, I BF DS until he was 21 months!
Rina - Mum to Zara 29/3/06
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Re: Australian MSPI safe foods?? (plus gluten free ideas)
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2010, 05:05:09 am »
Eloys - do you take a probiotic supplement? You can get a dairy/soy free version from the chemist, Inner Health Dairy Free.