the last couple of days Caleb has been refusing lunch and dinner, or he will take three bites and not want anymore, i know hes teething molars so i try not to give him anything too hard however im confused because he ate fish fingers and chips the other day, he ate chicken nuggets but he wont eat pasta, any kind, spaghetti, penne and these are his usual favourites, nope doesnt want them. so yesterday he had fish fingers and chips for lunch, then dinner was Spag bol, didnt want it, not even a taste, i managed to get him to taste it and then he ate three bites, no more so i got him down from the table and thought "whatever, i wont push it" then today he eats breaky as per usual, but come lunch and i offer penne pasta, nope pushes it away, i give him a little bit of yoghurt and try the penne again, nope, doesnt want much of the yoghurt either. so no snacks then and come dinner time i present the penne again, pushes it away. I give him the rest of the yoghurt because it was a part of his meal anyway...
later on i see him reaching the penne i had left on the table, he takes two peices and eats them (tries to share one with the cat but thats besides the point)
so how much longer is this going to go on for and what do i do? he eats toast, pancakes or oats for breakfast, we have no issues with breakfast, if it was just a teething issue wouldnt he be not wanting to eat the harder stuff too? hes also started refusing his drinks till hes gone hours without it and is literally begging for a drink.
whats going on?