Author Topic: what to do? 21 month still has milk in a bottle!!!  (Read 1260 times)

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Offline LucySol

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what to do? 21 month still has milk in a bottle!!!
« on: April 20, 2010, 12:46:16 pm »
is this really a problem or is it just bugging me cos i feel she is too 'big' for a bottle.

D gets milk first thing and b4 bed,both in a bottle.i have tried numerous different sippies but she will NOT take milk out of them she just refuses.i know that i should prob just get tough and say bottles gone but im really reluctant to do this as she has never been a big drinker and it can be a battle to get her to drink thru the at least if she drinks the milk she is getting some fluid down her and then i always have milk to fall back on if i feel she hasnt had enough fluid in the day.

i know she doesnt necessarily need the milk but at least its a drink that she will drink! im lucky to get an oz or 2 of water/juice down her thru the day!

Any ideas? get tough? Any others still having a bottle at this age!?

Offline LizzieN

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Re: what to do? 21 month still has milk in a bottle!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2010, 13:31:01 pm »
Hey sweetie, my LO is 24 months old and still having bottles...for the first time the other day he had a few sips of milk out of a straw cup without throwing it across the room and screaming....

I decided not to "get tough" and just keep offering it in different vessels until he accepts it....Tbh wanted him off bottles before the new baby came, but then realised it really wasn't a problem and he will get there when he is ready, don't really feel like it's a huge stress and not worrying about it makes it less of an issue for us both xox

Good luck deciding what is right for you all

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Offline *Liz*

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Re: what to do? 21 month still has milk in a bottle!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2010, 21:00:21 pm »
i know she doesnt necessarily need the milk but at least its a drink that she will drink! im lucky to get an oz or 2 of water/juice down her thru the day!

This is us too Lucy.

And yep still on the bottles - at the moment I'm not even trying though. Got bored of fighting him.

Offline brenda2

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Re: what to do? 21 month still has milk in a bottle!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2010, 18:01:05 pm »
i wanted dd1 off bottles before the baby came too (21 mo apart), but it didn't happen.  so when she turned 2 yrs we asked her to give her bottles to the baby as she was a big girl now and bottles were for babies.  we bought her special sippy cups and she gave  up the bottles no problem.  i think she was ready and there was no drama about it.  sounds like your lo is not ready yet, i would wait a few more months.  2 times a day bottles is not that bad, as long as you're brushing teeth after the bedtime bottle IMO.


Offline clazzat

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Re: what to do? 21 month still has milk in a bottle!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2010, 19:28:53 pm »
I don't think it's that big a deal either - she'll be off them by the time she gets to school! ;D

It might be worth waiting until the weather is a bit warmer at least - M isn't very good at drinking water, but when the weather warms up she drinks a lot more, so I know that she is able to regulate her intake, iykwim?