So my DH turned round last night and said he thinks DS might be eating too much fruit, and is worried about the amount of (natural) sugars he must be consuming. (DS recently has gotten a little pot belly which is where I think this idea has stemmed from

I think it is rather cute

Yes DS LOVES fruit (wish could say same about veg

) but for example on an 'average' day at the moment he may have a banana if he finishes his breakfast (only happens occasionally), at lunch he would have his sandwich, yoghurt, cheese etc, and then I would offer half a bowl (toddler size bowl) of cut up mixed fruit so something like strawberries, blueberries and grapes, I'm thinking it prob looks more to DH then is actually in there as cut up

and if he happens to polish off his dinner and is still hungry fruit may be offered here too as is easy to grab

What do you think, is this too much fruit? Do I need to be more aware of the amount of natural sugars DS is having? I always thought better to have fruit than biscuits etc but he's got me thinking now......
thanks ladies x