Author Topic: Are our stroller days over?  (Read 1969 times)

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Are our stroller days over?
« on: April 22, 2010, 16:43:42 pm »
Madi is 17months now and we had a routine last summer and fall, where we would go for stroller walks together. Now that spring is here, she wants nothing to do with her stroller. She will only stay in it for a minute then wants outs.  She would rather walk-which I don't mind-but now we can't join a stroller fit class.  :-\  I aslo used to take her jogging with me. I have yet to try that!

Wondering, is this just another phase?
I am also thinking it will be a waste of money if I purchase an double stroller when number arrives.

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Re: Are our stroller days over?
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2010, 19:52:32 pm »
Have you tried giving her a toy or a book to entertain her while she's in the buggy? Stan is very impatient in his buggy but if I tuck in some books with him, he will sit and 'read' while we are on longer walks. She might enjoy a stroller fit class and be happier to stay in the buggy if she's with other kids who are all in theirs.

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Re: Are our stroller days over?
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2010, 19:55:48 pm »
Josh went through months and months of buggy aversion!! Wanted to walk absolutely everywhere from about 18 months to 2.5. Not a problem but a bit irksome at time, especially when I wanted to get somewhere quickly.

He's just started loving the buggy again in the past month. Seriously, I can't get him out of the damn thing and have to take it everywhere, which is not good when a very energetic little boys needs to be worn out!!  ::)

 :-* :-* :-*

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Re: Are our stroller days over?
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2010, 20:05:10 pm »
My youngest is 3 and a bit and we still use the pushchair.  He has been through phases where he hasn't wanted to go in it and has been keen to walk, but now he'll walk for a while and get into the pushchair if he's tired.  (Today he had his first afternoon at preschool and I ended up carrying him home as he was exhausted, so tomorrow I'm taking the pushchair!)  I have used books and snacks for occupying him in the pushchair, but generally I used to find the worst bit the strapping in, and after that there'd be things to look at once we were moving.

As for whether you'd want a double buggy, I think it depends on how far you walk.  If you go most places by car, then you might not need one (although I found it was invaluable being able to strap the toddler in when we were going round the shops), but if, like me, you like to walk to the shops half an hour each way, for example, then I think a double buggy is an essential.  

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Re: Are our stroller days over?
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2010, 20:11:45 pm »
we finished with the stroller at about 2.5 - and for the last 6 months of that we didnt' use it much, only on long outings.

i would think instead of spending money on a double stroller you would consider wearing the second lo on occassions when ds needs to hitch a ride, and keep baby in stroller on the many occassions that ds is able/willing to walk.  i used to keep a wrap in my diaper bag (or a bjorn in the bottom of the stroller) in case someone needed comfort out of the stroller .....  worked a charm on more than one occassion.

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Re: Are our stroller days over?
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2010, 20:38:22 pm »
Perhaps get a buggy board which attaches to the back of the stroller for older children to stand on between the handles while you push the new baby in the pram. My niece loves it and doesn't get as tired as walking and you can walk much faster than she can. I don't think they fit in all buggies but certainly most so bear this in mind when you pick the buggy. Some buggies even come with a platform built on.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2010, 21:00:40 pm by CADIE'S MUM »
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Re: Are our stroller days over?
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2010, 20:45:20 pm »
My LO has started to get antsy in the stroller as well.  We still got a double stroller though because I am due in early summer and my LO will have to suck it up and go for stroller rides so his mom can get fit again.  Anyway, what has really helped me is to bring snacks and drinks.  He is totally distracted for a while and will tolerate a decent stroller ride.  He has also learned that once his mom gets her exercise, he gets his.  He knows that when we get back to our street, I let him out and he gets to play. 

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Re: Are our stroller days over?
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2010, 23:49:35 pm »
If there is any way for you to time your outings with snack/lunch time?  I know it isn't always possible, but I can get thru the mall in a breeze if I time my shopping with a PB&J and a sippy and some grapes!! Buys me a solid 30 minutes or so!!

DD also went through a stage where I let her out whenever she asked, with the understanding that it would be for a little while,  but then when I'd say "Ok, it's getting too crowded, I need you to jump back in..."....she'd be fine with that since she got to walk for a while.

Books, books, books.   :)

I agree with pp who said to get the ride-on thingee for your carriage when #2 arrives.  The Right Start has one that they say works with EVERY stroller.

Don't despair...she might be fine with it again in a couple of weeks....but it might take some seriously enticing snacks to get the ball rolling! 


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Re: Are our stroller days over?
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2010, 23:58:51 pm »
 Hubby and I decided to walk to Dairy Queen and I didn't bring anything to distract her expect her teddy and keys. She wanted nothing to do with it, so she walked half way and wanted me to carry her the other half.  I decided to buy her some ice cream and she ate it in her stroller.  ;D I was shocked that we could walk home at a decent pace. She stayed in there until we got to our street. 

Snacks do work! I never thought of books. I should try that next time. I plan to take her for a jog with me, so I am going to try some cheerios in the morning. 
So frustrating when you want to go somewhere and you have a limit on time.

thanks for the great suggestions.