Thanks everyone.
I really like this question a lot because I feel as if we waste a lot of milk here as my LO doesn't drink her milk well and for some weird reason I always have this expectation that she will. Dawn, does your LO eat yogurt and cheese and other calcium rich foods?
He is MPI, so he doesn't get any milk, yogurt or cheese. That is part of the reason I have been hanging onto the bottle in the morning, to try and make sure he is receiving some calcium from it. Another is that he drinks hardly any fluids, so I have been trying to keep the bottle first so that he will get a bit of fluid into him.
if you switched to soy milk rather than formula would this help? it's fewer calories so he should be more hungry for food.
Our paed said no soy milk until 2 years, and stick with the soy formula until then.
My oldest gets all her calcium from food as she doesn't really like milk anymore...I do also give her a calcium supplement because she doesn't always want yogurt/cheese either. With Spencer it is not so easy because she can't have dairy, so we are still on soy milk and I think soon she should be able to chew the supplements too.
What kind of supplement do you give?
I am pretty sure he would completely refuse the bottle if he had breakfast first, so I may try to give a bit less formula in the morning, then some with a snack. We will see how that works for him.