Author Topic: Nuts for an almost 3YO  (Read 1191 times)

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Nuts for an almost 3YO
« on: April 27, 2010, 10:21:13 am »
Hi there,
Just wondering when it is ok to eat nuts and what nuts are good for Lo’s?
 My daughter is 3 in August and has tried some nuts recently If I was having some (unsalted cashew nuts and flaked almond nuts) & LOVED them. I know they are a  good source of protein but am not sure if they are ok for her age (due to bring a choking hazard). She has never had an allergic reaction to any foods(often has peanut butter and used to eat eggs) and there is no history of allergies in my family or my partners family, so is it ok to give my LO nuts and if so which are the best type to give(if not now for when she is older)?
Hello from Ireland!

Offline Mashi

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Re: Nuts for an almost 3YO
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2010, 10:55:54 am »
I think that in terms of choking, whole nuts are not suggested until about 5yo.  But, you know your toddler and her own capabilities!  Perhaps you could crush them or grind them a bit so that they are smaller pieces and thus less likely to choke.

In terms of what nuts to eat, the healthiest nuts are walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, brazil nuts. Peanuts, pistachios and macadamia nuts are also very good (in fact, most nuts are really very good for you!) Almonds are usually rated to be THE best nuts in terms of health benefits and walnuts are usually considered a "superfood" so maybe start with those two!

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Re: Nuts for an almost 3YO
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2010, 11:41:39 am »
That’s great....thanks for all the info. DD is well able to chew on them without choking and when she had the before the rule was she had to sit while having them so Il make that the rule for nuts always! Will try walnuts next. Thanks again.
Oh one last question, do nuts cause constipation as dd is prone to it despite eating and loving all types of fruits! (I have to limit bananas)
Hello from Ireland!

Offline Mashi

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Re: Nuts for an almost 3YO
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2010, 12:11:17 pm »
Most nuts are not "high" in fiber but they do have fiber in them so I can't really see them consitpating.  To be classed as a high fiber food usually the food needs to have 5 or more grams of fiber per 100g. (though some places I have read say 5 or more grams per serving, regardless of how big the serving is). An ounce (say a handful) of nuts has 2-3g of fibre (depends on the nuts, some may be a bit more or bit less, just an average figure) - so are a decent source of fiber but not a high fiber food, kwim?


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Re: Nuts for an almost 3YO
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2010, 12:40:45 pm »
Great they may not have enough fibre to aid/cure it but shoudln't cause it...good to know as have to be so aware with dd!
Thanks for all your help!!
Hello from Ireland!

Offline Texomamama

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Re: Nuts for an almost 3YO
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2010, 20:48:35 pm »
Agree with Mashi- nuts are great!  Almonds are a fav with us, and they seem to be the easiest to buy already slivered.  Cashews are also good. If you purchase the canned ones that say "Whole and pieces", rest assured that most will be in pieces.  As far as being a choking hazard, like Mashi says, I think it is kid to kid specific.  My 2.5 y.o. has been pretty well able to chew anything well since about 2 years, and honestly, I think some of the warnings we get about waiting till age 3 (or even as late as 5) are a bit overkill, but again, if your l.o. has had issues with choking or gagging, you can keep a closer eye on them.

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Re: Nuts for an almost 3YO
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2010, 21:19:31 pm »
 Thanks Texomamama………..great to know. Def agree it’s a kid to kid specific thing…..dd has never had a choking or gagging issue so tht why I felt it as ok to let her try some when I was having some. Got some nuts today..have almonds so got walnuts and cashews..didnt think of the canned ones but will look out for them again.
Excited abut a new healthy snack to give dd…always looking for ideas….luckily she loves all kinds of fruits so they are always a snack but nice to vary it a bit!

Thanks to you both for your helpful advice!
Hello from Ireland!

Offline Texomamama

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Re: Nuts for an almost 3YO
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2010, 21:50:11 pm »
Oh, and BTW, I meant to say cans of cashews that say "halves and pieces", not whole.....that would obviously defeat the purpose.  Even if you get them whole, cashews are pretty easy to cleave along the middle.

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Re: Nuts for an almost 3YO
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2010, 22:14:01 pm »
Thanks again. looking forward to trying the walnuts tomorrow..know dd likes almonds and cashews so curious as to if she will also like walnuts...I loved them when I was young so hopefully!
Thanks again...can now give them to dd without worrying..did google it before posting but everything said not till 5 yo which I too thought was not relevant to each child as did feel my dd cold manage them as long as we were careful (no running around with them)
Hello from Ireland!